Wednesday, October 28, 2009
loving God
1Jn.5:2-3 we love God if we keep his commandments. also 2Jn.1:6 is the same. Rev. 22:14 tells us that they who do keep his commandments-- obey his word-- will have the right to eat of the tree of life, and to enter the gates of the city-- heaven. It is interesting that after just hearing about the ministries that have a strange doctrine -- They had a man crawling on the floor like a dog ,wearing a real dog leach and barking, this was to have spiritual meaning. The same with a man falling under the power onto a woman, and doing her, which they said was a sign of them birthing something spiritual. At the time of this I read in Rev. 22:15 That one of the types of people not going into the gates of heaven are dogs. The dog action seems to announce a rebelion which has entered into the churches which participate in these strange actions. I find that it is saying in the scriptures here 1Jn.5:2-3 that those who are Christians but disobey God's word are not going to heaven. 1Tim.4:1 says in the last days many shall fall from the faith giving heed to doctrines of demons and seducing spirits.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Holy Spirit teacher
I want to share with you my experience lately. The Holy Spirit not only convicts of sin, but providentialy trains us. This can be helping to correct mistakes. Jn.16:13 he will guide you to all truth. It can be dangerous to check into different ministries to see what they are offereing to increase your learning experience. We have a tendency to hear things and say to ourselves that makes sense. I find that the Lord helps by inner knowing of conviction that the minister is in error. All ministers who are deep in the word are no different. When we start seeing a track of error we must get out because the god of this world loves to try to deceive us. We cannot rely on a ministry who does a lot of good works to justify why they teach error. 1 Tim. 4:1 tells us that there will be many deceivers in the last days. Our fellowship with God is extremely important and listening to his voice in the inner man. Jn.10:27.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Genesis--tree of life
Genesis-- Gen.2:9 we have God's original plan. 3 trees here beautiful trees, tree of life, tree knowledge of good and evil. I remember when we moved to a house in Fla. there was a tree in the front yard, it appeared to be a good tree. it was loaded with oranges. We liked it. Then the owner told us that the tree is no good. It was not the tree at all it was a huge sour that grew out of the tree. just as big as the tree probably was, but the original tree was gone. The fruit on this sour tree was bad. it was sour. That reminds of the Matt. 7:16 passage, you shall know them by their fruits. compare Ps. 1:2-3 notice here that the law is not the law of Moses but is the whole word of God. meditate on the word day and night will prosper you. it is fertilizer for you who are like a tree. Isa. 61:3 we are beauty, joy,praise to God, no heaviness. trees of righteousness. We have the promise of Rev.22:14 One day we shall eat of the tree of life which is now in the paradise of God. We have a important action of faith to take, we must come out of the groves. A grove is where trees that are evil are standing. They represent idolatry and other gods. Ex.34:13 The groves must be destroyed. The worship of Baal the most popular heathen god, is a representative of Satan. He offers the kingdoms of the world to those who follow him. Sounds like Matt. 4:8-10. The temptation of Jesus. Ps.1:2-3 tell us in the word we shall prosper. In Jn.15:7 If you abide in me (Christ) and my word abides in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be given you. We also must not worship trees of any kind. Jer. 10:2-5 . learn not the ways of the heathen. Ps. 92:12-14 the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree. even in old age bear fruit and fat and flourishing-- meaning fig. prosperous.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
brodav9 Bible blessings intro.
This is the beginning of a new blog. Here we will see from each book of the bible a tremendous and exciting study of subjects that will edify the body of Christ. My desire is to see all God's people fed with spiritual food and growing into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. This food is for those who want to grow to be mature Christians. I will be seeking and waiting on God for each post. This is going to be awesome because the anointing teaches us all things 1 Jn. 2:27 God bless.
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