Jonah is thrown into the sea. He had been sent to preach repentance. God prepared a great fish to swallow him. He was a sign to Israel. He was in the sea for 3 days as one who was dead. He was resurrected and thrown alive on shore. This salvation was then brought to Nineveh and they were saved from their sins. He was a sign picture of Jesus death, burial, and resurrection.
Jesus in Matt. 16:4 says himself that this was a sign. Other types and shadows were not signs but fore shadow him. At other times it was Messianic prophesies. They are amazing to.
Since it has been awhile , I believe it will be good to add another picture.
In Num. 21: 6-9 w/ Jn. 3:14 it is brought out that even as the serpent was raised up on a brass pole in the wilderness, Jesus would be raised up on a cross. Many read Jn. 3:16 without seeing v.14. God bless.