It was amazing to see a confirmation to my you tube video on Jupiter. Basically the Jupiter and I.s.o.n. are both comets. First the shoemaker comet hit Jupiter. Then the whole world laughed at Shoemaker. They didn't believe him even though he was a very good astronomer. I related this by the Spirit, which revealed to me he is a example of Noah. They didn't believe him when he said a flood is coming. Now I.s.o.n. the comet bounced off the sun. it is the beginning of the end time work of God. Great questions have risen to it's having a meaning because it hit the sun on Hanukkah. I personally believe it has more than one meaning. One of them is possible to be that as Joel 2: predicts that God will pour out his Holy Spirit in the last days. Joel 2:29 mentions he will pour out the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and then in v.31 we see the blood red moons which are coming in 2014 and 2015.
The Hanukkah lamp filled with oil and burning is a shadow of the Holy Spirit. It is the light. Across
the room from it was the shew bread which typified Jesus the bread of life.
We have here the proof that this is the last days. Even though there are the reject saying that Pentecost didn't start the last days, they can see now that we are in the last days and the signs prove it. Now is the time to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be covered with the blood of Jesus. His return is no more a thought but proven reality.
thought----- the I.s.o.n. comet touched the sun. note that the symbol for Jesus is the sun. Mal. 4:2
the sun of righteousness. the comet representing the light to touch the feast of Hanukkah which represents the Holy Spirit. It appears to be the call to come to Jesus and be filled with the Spirit.