Forty plus years ago, two weeks after Jesus became my savior, God set up my life to prepare in his word. A bible college student who was preparing for a Pastor position. He had us come weekly to his house to share bible teaching with us. My two former rock guitarists, I played bass and we had a drummer. All came to Jesus by my saying I'm coming to Jesus tonight. We walked away from band practice and quit. We threw out our drugs and drink. Instantly, my being a smoker of three packs a day, crushed a whole pack and quit.
Could go on, but the point is we began to live the life. The Pastor fellow taught us the book of Daniel. It was like seminar to us. Little did I know that in the future would be teaching Daniel by the spiritual concepts God would reveal.
When we read the bible that is our perspective. We then must look to God and see what he wants to say.
You can read a chapter in the bible, again and again. still you are on the level of know very little. The bible is God speaking. He just used man to write what he told them. If you remember anything, you need to know
the bible is a spiritual book.
ch. 1:1-2 If you have a KJV bible read it along with these studies. Most of the time will be my part to just comment.
We see God is the doer of all this. The people are going into captivity by king Nebu. Just like it said in the law of God. captivity and v.3 used for the gain of the world. They should be prospering but instead the king will. Why? they disobeyed and broke law. Or say broke covenant.
Ever notice that certain people who preach will mention you prosper by giving? Sow a seed and get a return? At the same time the person gets excited and gives---even though they have sinned in one way in another. Yet they think God will prosper because they give. Listen. I know a lady who did give. she told me all about it. She got a blessing to. Her life is filled with evils. She is even confused about her salvation.
The ministries people sow into are the same. One she sowed into teaches heresies alongside truth. The point is supporting a ministry, whether your right or wrong with God makes no difference. The devil blesses witch craft also. He wants to support false ministers.
Nebu. could say, The Lord prospered me. He was not a good man he was a idol worshiper. So prosperity
doesn't mean a person is right with God. v.3 just like false ministers they will use God's people to prosper.
v.3 Isn't that a eye catcher? A eunuch master is to single out the best seed of the Jews. From another eye view, they will train and make better men of those Jews who are special to them but more special to God also. See God's providence here?
v.4 3-4 go together. Look at this--- They are children without blemish. What are we talking about here sheep? v.3 they are already called seed. v.4 Now they have to learn to talk in tongues. To a Jew to speak in a foreign language was a curse. When they learn that Chaldean talk imagination comes to play here.
They will speak with a curse. The Jews do not have a problem with learning it because they must communicate with the people of another nation. They must bring the light of God's truth to the Pagans. That is why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. To tell the nations in their language the light of the gospel of the kingdom.
Can you see the picture here. They must learn the language first. Our benefit speaking in tongues.
All the wisdom and skill mentioned in v.4 they had already. They were to not have blemish.
The world points at us to find fault. They say we say we are Christians but don't live it. We can see truth here about the choice the king wanted.
God's choice is the same. A. God is the king of kings. B. He says he is coming for a church without, spot, wrinkle or blemish. <<< C. He is putting on those faithful ones, wisdom, knowledge, skill, etc. and one day stand before him face to face in the same image. 1Cor. 13:12 We remember Moses was noted for being one to see God face to face. Deut. 5:4 Not stay here long, though would like to. The things in context of the whole picture of the O.T. were for them perfect, but not for us N.T. saints. Example ---even the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins. Jesus therefore is proven to be the more perfect way.
Matt. 5:48 is possible by the Holy Spirit who regenerates us. Be perfect as your heavenly father. Jesus is the same perfect. That is him who must come in 1Cor. 13:12. That is why the Holy Spirit must lead us into all truth. He also reminds us of what we were taught.
There is enough meat here v.1-4 to keep you busy. What will be coming as the Lord leads, will hopefully do to you what it did to me. Prepare your heart and pray, for you are now started on a journey that I guarantee you will stand with your mouth hanging wide open-- like queen of Bathsheba