Sunday, March 30, 2014

#5 Daniel studies --- the living dead.

This study we are in Dan. ch.3.

When we look back at ch.2  we see that God  gave mercies and revealed the king's dream.  We see that the king recognized  Daniel's God.  He thought the dream was from another source and that Dan's God was the interpreter.  We see that God gave the dream.  When a leader hears about miracles from God,  he can at times forget them.  America has on the news a regular announcement of what people call miracles, some hearts are not moved.  Some say they even believe them but  like a sermon they are soon forgotten. 

The whole world should know by now about the miracle in Mt. Ararat region.  That Ron Wyatt has found the original ark.  The miracle was that  Ron was having a hard time  getting to the ark as it is buried under hard deep dirt.  All of a sudden a earthquake came and fixed the problem so they could get in and do their archeology. 

We now see that in Dan. 3,  a very puzzle picture.  First Daniel must not have been there because he wouldn't bow either.    Then we see only 3 people out of all the rest, including the Jews, not bowing.
only 3 go into the fire.  Notice  they will be like burning bushes.  The fire will not touch them.   Yet before they went in they said they will obey Moses law.  They  won't bow down. 

Getting  into today thinking.   They don't give a $100.00  to get a $100.00 to be delivered  It is called salvation)  prosperity is also called salvation.  All salvation is a free  gift.   3Jn.1:2  prosper and good health are a free promise.   give to get is paying for something that is already yours by faith.

God has promised to heal us for free.   Isa. 53:5  by his wounds we were healed.    In Matt. 8:17  we see that Isa. 53 was saying ,  bare our sicknesses

The  3 men were given the choice to bow to their gods or go in the furnace.  Also the promise of the furnace being turned up hotter. 

We  see here  the same in our time.  If you won't submit to our  insurance  plans, which  are really gods of fear, we will turn up the penalty of  increasing the fine  each year.  $95.00  first year and $295.00 the next year.  The bible tells us that we must trust God for our health and not medical science.  We honor all authority unless we are asked to disobey God.  

I am concerned  (like)   Daniel or the 3 men.  For all the people  were Jews who also bowed and only 3 men were obedient to God's word.  Now it is not Jews but Christians who must decide what tom do.

Gal. 2:20  We are crucified with Christ, that he may live in us and take care of us. 

What is wonderful is in Genesis 15:  when God made covenant with Abraham,  it was a furnace and a lamp that passed between the pieces. The offerings, including the lamb were laid out.  God cut a covenant.  Our covenant God Yahweh Rophe   I am the Lord that healeth thee.  Ex. 15:26
The covenant God  passes between the  sacrifices by appearance  of a furnace and a lamp (fire).
Certainly Jesus the Lamb of God and the blood of the everlasting covenant  Heb. 13:20  will bring us healing.

The king of Babylon was amazed and just like when Daniel told the dream he could see God's Spirit was in the 3 men also.  All four men honored the king even after the ill treatment.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

testimony of my interpreting a dream.

Have had more than one dream from God , but this one is a wonderful testimony which will minister to your heart.

While asleep, saw clearly my standing by the water fishing. When casting the line to go over my head
the hook came behind me and caught me from behind. It was a difficult place to reach it.   All of a sudden  from behind was made to know the Holy Spirit loosed the hook for me.

While awake  knew right away what the dream meant.  At that time was very concerned about sharing my ministry on Christian forums.  What I mean is concern about making errors or mistakes  while sharing things about the word.  The dream was shown to me to say, if you get snagged by a mistake the Holy Spirit will help me out.  You can even go back and change it after the Lord shows the errors and how to correct them.  The dream and his offer of help are a wonderful blessing.

Dan. studies #4 A king's desperate need.

In Daniel ch. 2:11  We have the response of men who are under pressure for the saving of their lives.

It starts with a King who is very anxious to know what his dream is all about.  He is like many people who have to have what they want right now.  Let's talk about the king.  Two things we notice.  He
doesn't care about anyone else.  There are leaders who are like that.  This king will even destroy the wicked who are his servants.  Another thing  is he is willing to pay any price to know what the dream is. 

Now look at  Daniel.   This Spirit filled man  cares about  other people, even those who are wicked.  In our day you may love people but if someone doesn't like someone you do , they will hate you to.
Daniel cares for men who are into all forms of the occult.  Also Dan. looks out for his brethren. 

I'm thinking now about king Saul.  He despised the good in David. Part of it was a good man deserves to be in leadership.  Saul was a man who did as he pleased.  Yet there we see David would not touch the Lord's anointed.  

Both Daniel and David obtained great positions though all was against them.  If God be pleased he will  cause by his power a man to be leader.  He raises up one and sets down another.

v.13  If a person has the Holy Spirit he will be safe.  If he is a pretender  bad things will catch up with him.

v. 18-19 reveal a secret.  If you want the Lord's help in time of trouble ask for his mercies.
That is why Daniel praised and thanked God.  God gave mercies and that mercies was wisdom.  Now the dream who be told and the king changed from harming many.

Look at  v.46  We see how important the Holy Spirit is.  It was all God's doings.  Daniel was a instrument.  We see the king bowing before Daniel and giving glory to God almighty.

Unfortunately, we see the king is going to have to be rid of his demons if he will be a transformed man.  He is a lesson to us.  You can have the Holy Spirit reveal God to you---even miraculously, and still remain the same.  The god of this world blinds the minds. 2Cor. 4:4

This study here shows us we can be a witness to the world and the church.  It is needed to have the Holy Spirit and his gifts to make any impression.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Daniel studies #3 How to really learn.

In Daniel 1:17-21  KJV  we have  the final part of chap. 1.  

The spiritual things of God sound like homiletics.  The story of Daniel reads like history.  It must apply today for value other than just education.   In Jn. 14:26  as you read the passage  can you see how the Holy Spirit teaches (all things).   I like 1:17 of Daniel.  see the words God gave.

God gave them wisdom , skill etc.  The key to Jn. 14:17  is that God was with them and helping them.   Today the Spirit of God will be in you.  You must have the baptism of the Holy Spirit to have this inner gift.  Daniel and the boys were picturing the end times here.
You can tell by the way God  is showing many prophetical things to them, especially Daniel.  The miracles and things were seen as God gave them under his own initiative.  The Holy Spirit in you today will allow both God's initiative and your use of bible principles of power.  example--prayer for healing.

Daniel waited 21 days for answer from God.  We can talk to Jesus and get instant answers if God wants to.  The true difficulty of hearing God lies in people being distracted by other things.

How do we know wisdom of God?    1Cor. 1: 20, 27  the world's wisdom is foolish.  God's  wisdom may seem foolish but it is extremely intelligent.  I call it great.

Many think the bible is wisdom.  It is.  Wisdom from God  is  a greater understanding than what is read.  In other words if you just read you may not find wisdom.  God has hidden his wisdom in the word.  Only can he show it by the Spirit. It is more valuable than rubies or gold.

If you read about Solomon and Bathsheba.  She was so amazed at Solomon's wisdom that it said there was no more spirit in her.  1Kings 10:4-8.

As Joel has said  would happen in the last days. ---I have seen, visions and had dreams.  They are marvelous and by discerning them you could easily tell they were from God. 

Joel said that before the day of the Lord come, there would be signs in the sun and moon. next     month  is supposed to be one.  He was saying God was pouring out his Holy Spirit also.  Joel 2:28-29 and 31.  

putting it all together for chap. 1
That is for us.  By having God's Holy Spirit, we will live in a world that wants us to conform to it's ways. Sometimes we may be in a position to obey.  We must trust God and receive his wisdom and other imparted abilities to be the over comers of the world's ways and be living in favor with those
around us.  Our diet must be daily bible study.  James 1:5  we can ask for wisdom.  Daniel and the boys are going to show us some amazing things in the future of this bible study.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Daniel studies #2 mold squeezer

ch.1:5-16   There are two ways to see the situation here.  1.  The  Jews are already God's chosen religious people.   2.  Those who are Christians today may not have grown from a religious back ground.   Even so,  the people of both categories  are the same.  They are religious and  will come to a certain standard.

The Hebrew  Daniel and three boys were followers of a Mosaic standard.  I want you to see that the Babylonian  world standard people  wanted to squeeze  them into their mold.  The bottom line was slavery.
They would speak and do all they were told.  They were trained to think and act just like the king ordered.
Even the eating of their diet of food.   We don't know just what they were thinking, but they were going to be faithful to Yahweh. 

We the Christians who live by righteous standards, face more and more conflict  with the world because we like Daniel and co. belong to Jesus Christ and live by righteous standards.  Babylonians will not live by Daniel's God.   The time for change is where ethics just get in the way for those who don't think they answer to God one day.  I am not militant, I pray for my leaders and God does the rest.

In Daniel, in v. 5 we have Daniel living in favor with the  authority  over food diet.  He wants to show that God's way is better and gets the chance.   Look what he is doing from Paul's point of view.  1Cor.10:20-21.  the cup of drink and table of devils.  He is also showing that there is a proper way of obeying God without offense.  In our time many don't care about who they offend.  Still we righteous don't try to offend.

This starts us in another direction.

How to deal with the world.  By not giving offenses.  We are peace giving and loving Christians.  Those who live by grace only, care not for instructions of the word,  They can live anyway they please and go to heaven.

Daniel was of another Spirit. The people of Babylon saw this.  Daniel was a end-time over comer.

The book of Daniel was sealed up for the time of the end, yet he was also the example.  ( a Prophet).

In these 12 chapters we'll be   unsealing  this book.  each chapter  will have a conclusion. 

Back to the dealing with the world.

Ex. 3:21  While in Egypt,  God gave the people favor with the Egyptians.  God even blessed the houses of the mid-wives.  Note that with Abraham , God closed the wombs of the people who wouldn't help him. He was protecting his half sister--wife Sarah.  Yahweh was serious about seed of Abraham.  Out of him God would bless the nations.

A similar thing with Isaac  Gen. 26:25-24  God did it again.

Ps. 106:45--48   God made the people pity Israel. 

Here's faith---  Prov. 16:7  when one's ways please the Lord he makes enemies be at peace with them.

Back to Gen. 26:24-25.  Here is a big picture of this principle.
The enemies steal the wells of Isaac.  He sees they hate him.  They are aware that God could deal with them
They make peace with Isaac.  They celebrate with a big feast after a covenant of  peace between them.
God blesses with a well of water.

It is all about faith in God.  It is all about pleasing him and abiding in his word of truth.

Jesus said--man does not live by bread alone  (even pulse)  but by every word from God's  bible.  We shall drink from the wells of salvation to Isa. 12:3.

Did you see what was in ch. 1: of Daniel?   a supernatural  experience.  The pulse and water  was greater
than the king's food.  key---Daniel prayed to his God.  The three boys also.  They obeyed God also.