Just before the coming of antichrist, we have a historical repeating of two times in the past. In is very prophetical since all evidence reveals the mystery.
1. We have the time of Pharaoh and Moses is saved from abortion. That is because they would kill a live baby just before birth. We see beyond a baby just not extracted yet, it is alive and killed. 2. Jesus was being chased to take his life. Amazingly he gave up that life for us. Pharaoh and Herod had something in common. They had no concern for human life. People were only good for slaves.
That is what communism is all about. Owning people for slaves and getting rid of people or children that don't benefit us. All laws that don't benefit us must be removed or have laws to benefit us. Pharaoh and Herod always had a army of soldiers to surround them and control the people.
Now the mystery: In Revelations ch.12:2,4,5 We have a man child to be born and the dragon Satan will try to abort it. This is a spiritual child who we are talking about. Like Moses and Jesus they will be delivered. It is important to understand that this is future and not the past. Easy to see rapture not happen yet. That reveals something else. The Jews of Israel both past and present have rejected Christ. It is a definite future salvation of the Jews to fulfill God's covenant with David and build a house forever. Zech. 14:9. Therefore we see Israel cannot be the woman the man child came out of.
We who are true Christians and over comers , would only be able to rule the nations with the power of Christ by his Holy Spirit. Rev.12:6 rule with a rod of iron is for over comers. If we say that this was only for the church, how can we have this applying to over comers in (our) future. (rapture not occurred yet). Those who reject the Baptism Holy Spirit say it is not for today. They say it was for the church of the past. The Rev.12 is the future church with the same calling. Rev. 12:6 rule with a rod of iron. See Rev.2:26-27 (past) same as( future )Rev. 12:6.
In Rev. 2:24 We have the depths of Satan. did he go away ? In Rev. 12:9 The dragon is Satan. How can we fight him without the Armour of God by the Holy Spirit?
So we see that their is a abortion on the horizon. Those who are overcoming in all things will be prepared to be delivered from abortion like Jesus and Moses. the key is all called to be saviors will always have God's protection. How? we proclaim the gospel to save the people of the nations.