A. Notice both passages mention the word kingdom.
B. Rom. 14:17 shows us the kingdom is not food and drink, but righteousness , peace, joy in the Holy Spirit. Did you notice Jesus was asked to make bread in Matt.4 ? Yes he was fasting also.
Many times I read Matt. 4, but didn't read Lk. 4 which is the same about Jesus temptation.
I am going to get on another path here. Lk.4:3 It is the devil who asks Jesus a question that could be over looked. If thou be the son of God. see v.8 same thing, if thou be the son of God. v.10 The devil quotes scripture to. 1. Then the devil can make someone prosper. 2. He can quote scripture. In Lk. 4:14-15 Jesus is glorified and teaches the truth of God. v.18 He taught by the Spirit of God and did marvels. Before Pentecost. He read the scriptures and proclaimed the truth. v.22 Same chapter 4: is this Joseph's son? My answer-- This is the son of God. That is why he says in v.24 no Prophet is accepted in his own country. v.28-30 see that? we see the devil of the v.3 already at work in the unbelieving people. If we think about it, There is no way here that Jesus would make the point that he was the son of God, at tremendous cost, if it were not true.
false religions say God has no son.
false preachers can prosper and quote scripture.
My point? we live in perilous times and need to not just listen and fall into the devil trap. We must pray and be discerning and question whether it is truth or just what someone says. In Luke we see that the devil acts as well through people and then cannot be seen as he was seen by Jesus. Faithful saints are promised God's daily blessings as they seek him.
Food for thought. In my earlier blogs, but recent, I tell of the Kundalini. I mention the serpent goes up the spine and illumines a person. Here is a new thing to think about. In Isa. 61: 3 they shall be called trees of righteousness. In the garden the serpent is pointing to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then see Ps. 44:25 look at the figure here it points to the serpent being cast down to the dust. people not saved have the same direction they will fall down in the dust--meaning go to the grave which is the same fate of the serpent.
fall under the power is a secret way of the serpent saying to God bad things in revenge for his fate. He enacts his rage through people who God created to be loved by God. In the last days Jesus says if it were possible he would deceive the very elect Matt. 24. Go back to where I said my point above from here. to prosper false religions and preachers is also a snare, many will do that anyway.