I admit this is a difficult study but very important in the end time we are in. You will never find this secret without the help of the Holy Spirit. first thing to remember is Eliphaz was forgiven---so was Esau by Jacob. The end of the matter is seen in Job 42:7 . God tells Job to forgive his 3 friends. First was Eliphaz. If He doesn't the wrath of God will be poured out on the 3.
now turn to Job chap. 33:15-16-33. a lot of good mixed with corrupt words. The word of God mixed with false accusation against Job. Or another way to say it, a secret way of misusing the word of God.
Now in Job 4: 12-16. read the verses and you will see a easy misinterpreting of a situation. it is difficult here to say what is happening, but there is a sure idea in seeing what could happen in any given modern day situation. Eliphaz shows he was moved to use the spirits speech in ch. 33:15. I want you to see how a vision comes into play here. The corruption in Eliphaz was saying Job a wicked man. He had trouble discerning whether the vision was from God or not but still ran with it with his own message against Job.
After a study of who Eliphaz is-- 1. he is a son of Esau------2. Jacob forgave and made peace with Esau.-----3. When Esau ate the pottage he was then called Edom. Gen. 25:30. The land of Edom comes from Esau. Ex. 15:15 God angry with Edom, Moab, and Canaan. Num. 20:18-21 Edom won't help Moses a sure enemy of Israel there.
Where is this the West coast of Arabia. (Mecca) . The difficult question is does Eliphaz play a part in the creation of a false vision of Mohammed? A religion based of a vision or dream must be always a small reason for creating a huge gathering of millions of people. Not to blame Eliphaz but possible that a reader of the same ch.4 could be behind using it as a deception to sway people from Jacob. And the Christ we know is the son of God. 1John 2:22 -23 These verses show that Islam and Muslim denies the truth. they say Allah has no son. We say Father has a son. to deny this John calls them antichrist (their spirit) Soon a one man will arise and they will join him in his false peace. We have true peace in the son Jesus. Shalom.
I share the love of Jesus and make no profit. I have a small audience, I pray God will lead others to this feeding blog in Jesus name.