Thursday, November 30, 2023

Is the Christian youth going Ecumenical?

    Certain men keep showing up for conventions which bring in people by using popular musicians and other things people like to see.  They are making money bigly.  They just have to say we believe in Jesus.  

Example-- Chris Tomlin writes for a long time with Matt. Maher. Maher professes to be Catholic. his 3 children are Catholic. Matt. Redman was seen bowing before the Pope , he is Catholic. 

Greg Laurie works with all kinds in order to have a financial business.  He is wealthy.  He has a friend with Alice Cooper. He told Alice that he should keep up the good use of the gift God has given him.  Alice gift is rock and entertaining with abominations of occult and death shows. 

False signs seekers will also come and give their money.  To whoever put the conference together.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

A new piece of the puzzle revealing Melchisedec the king.

 Archeologists have found the city of Melchisedek.  He is found to be a righteous man after the flood. we notice that he was before Aaron and not under the laws of Moses though he did know what God had taught him by himself to obey.  There is no record of his life and people.  One thing they have found.

   They found slaughter basins for animals, and that where they would have water basins for washing.  That would mean he was continually offering sheep and other animals for sacrifice for sins. That is how he is  a picture  of Christ.  The lamb who offered himself as our great high priest. see Hebrews 7:1.

His name reveals he is a king of righteousness.  He was also a priest.  No mention of a prophet.  His name also reveals peace.  That shows he was a blessed man.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

video of Queen of England. All about Halloween.

 Short and revealing about the gods.  

We had a sweet black cat we cared for. after sharing this video on Halloween the next morning he was dead in his cage.  Also while watching this video my whole internet went bonkers.  it did come on later.