Saturday, April 2, 2022

a new look at prayer #3 act like it is.

      There are so many examples to fit here.   Lets show one.  A lady says to a man, if you will come and fix the door on my house I will pay you.  Well the man goes the next day. She says how will fix the door without tools.  You see, the woman made a promise but the man didn't  make the right action.  When we ask God according to his promises,  he will require a correct action.  It's true you can pay your bills but not unless you have money.  What if you ask the landlord to wait and he says no.  If you borrow it you are handling it yourself.  Until you believe (not test God)  that first time then you will see his great faith manifestation.  The story of the woman who touched Jesus garment was a great example.  Jesus was blessed by her faith. she said I will act and touch his garment.  

     We are surrounded by people all the time.  Few have a faith for the impossible.  Many faith preachers preach faith but as long as the offerings come in they don't need to use faith.  More and more you find they also teach false doctrine with good doctrines included.  They teach faith and then go home and cheat on their wives.   In 1991 December Benny Hinn preached  Jesus died on the cross as a  sinner.  He later apologized.   I noticed that he also preached for people to fall under the power and they did.  How can you preach heresy and then manifest God's power .  At that time he was also threatening people that if they speak against him God would destroy their families. 

     Abraham offered Isaac by faith and God was pleased. James 2:--on.  Noah built the ark by his faith, he never had seen rain before.  In Heb. 11:6  without faith it is impossible to please God.  All  forms of salvation are based on faith.  You can find the word salvation in the old Testament.  It is nothing to do with born again there.

     I was at work one day and was cut in half by a accident. It was a fork lift accident. All that  held me together was bones and some flesh.  By law they took me to hospital. I had passed out to.  After the hospital room actions I was asked if I wanted a needle for pain.  I refused it and they said okay. I told nurse I was trusting God.  I went home that night and was on the road to recover by grace of a wonderful God---Jesus.    I was just finishing this  message and my wife drove up and said here is a cup of ice cream.  You see, after trusting God for awhile he will send blessings you didn't even ask for. yes though I trust for my daily bread. ice cream is a luxury. God bless, he is faithful.

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