Monday, June 17, 2024

the difference between astrology and astronomy.

 They are not the same because one is a corruption of the other.  Way back God created everything. Then a terrible thing happened.  Satan the high Angel was proud and thought he deserved to own God's Earth and so forth.  Astrology as well as false gods (myths, were his rebellious attempt to take God's glory.  Ps. 19:1 the heavens declare the glory of God.  

what is Astrology?    In brief it is using a craft to predict the future.  A spirit of fear will keep people from learning what it is so that they can discern astrology from God's astronomy and signs. It started in the garden where the serpent said "hath God said".  God speaks through his glorious signs in the heavens and the devil is angry at the ability of God to speak and his not able to stop it.

in revelations chap. 12  we see a sign-- not astrology-- while it speaks of a man child being born by (the virgin) Virgo,  proven by the planet Jupiter  revolving in her womb 9 months  and also a catching away in a resurrection. prophetical but sure to happen whereas astrology is very inaccurate.

The birth of Jesus was another sign.  it was not astrology. but it was sure glory. it was a alignment  of  Jupiter and Venus, and Regulus. (the royal star). Saturn is always the Satan planet..

Just one example about astronomy.  Mal. 4:2  The sun of righteousness,  refers to God as the great light. he brings healing. That is not astrology. 

I am hopeful you can see that two identical things can also be opposites. Same would be like wolves in sheep's clothing  we must discern good from the bad and not make quick judgment.

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