Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ps. 91: a deeper look.

 v. 3-4  noisome pestilence.  what is it?  noisome is desire for one to fall, ruin, mischief, calamity, perverse substance.

pestilence is  a destroying plaque. 

v.4 two words trust and truth.   trust is faith.  in what?  truth. If a person is walking in faith and standing on the words of promise, they abide under the protection of the almighty father and Jesus. 

 in v.7  we see how that happened. thousands  all over the world had covid. God protects those of faith and trust. wish so many had this faith.  I praise my savior for his mercies on me and protection.  the word of God is like a shield of protection. see the armor of God in Eph. 5. shield of faith.

shroud and the scriptures

 They scanned and studied the shroud inch by inch for years. if something was written on it it would have been found.  The bible is clear that is written in the N.T.. 

look up the story of Lazarus in . Matt. 11:44 He is raised from the  dead. Then we see the Jewish custom.  He was wearing grave clothes. -- then we see he was wearing a napkin on his head.  see John  20:7 Jesus has grave clothes and a napkin.  The napkin is on his head and face. till removed to be separate     it is not possible for the face to be on the grave clothes Shroud. . it is suspicious  that this is a image not to be worshipped, or trick a person into Catholicism.  

There is another positive proof about the shroud but can only share it with certain Christians. it is a secret in the bible.  in the last days if it were possible signs would deceive the elect.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Philistine encounters with God.

 The O.T. mentions many times how the Philistines would meet in a unpleasant way with Almighty God.

In 1 Sam. 5 Dagon is thrown down because the ark of God was with the idol. The people see this and are frightened. 

The people run in fear when their hero Goliath is defeated. 1 Sam. 17:57.

out of fear they give ark back on a cart which drove by itself . unfortunately they look in the ark and many die.

They recognize that Israel has the true God. 

The world we live in  today sees God and prophesy being fulfilled every day. yet they will keep their heart hardened.  Back then the people of Jericho knew God destroyed Egypt and Pharaoh.  Yet they turn away.

Today many sing in church--foe  money but not to glorify God. They believe God accepts their unethical lifestyles. Some get up out of the bed after fornicating and go right on to church.

 the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. and knowledge. Prov.1:29. if they hate it then they cannot find it.