Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ps. 91: a deeper look.

 v. 3-4  noisome pestilence.  what is it?  noisome is desire for one to fall, ruin, mischief, calamity, perverse substance.

pestilence is  a destroying plaque. 

v.4 two words trust and truth.   trust is faith.  in what?  truth. If a person is walking in faith and standing on the words of promise, they abide under the protection of the almighty father and Jesus. 

 in v.7  we see how that happened. thousands  all over the world had covid. God protects those of faith and trust. wish so many had this faith.  I praise my savior for his mercies on me and protection.  the word of God is like a shield of protection. see the armor of God in Eph. 5. shield of faith.

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