We have some wonderful things from the Lord. It is through understanding that we appropriate them. It is truly a wonderful blessing to be called to preach. The easy part is the messsage, it's the reaction from people that is the most difficult. A person who is open minded will try to figure if the message is from God and then be a loving person by not over stepping his discernment by arguing and those things. Not to say that bad error is to be laughed at. Well for me I'm a peace maker and still would over turn the tables in the temple if it were neccessary.
This shield that God is for Abraham goes a little deeper than would be seen on the surfice. Let's dig in and feed on that. The Lord to be a shield is quite different than that metal thing. God himself will be that shield. Look at Deut. 33:29 this shield is help to man. He will protect from enemies and that is the way most relate to the shield, a war instrument. Ps. 5:12 tells us that a shield, which is God is also favor and grace.
2 Sa. 22:36 shows us a shield of salvation--- not using it as a born again experience. Said that because salvation includes a living active God doing great things for us in the now.
Here is a little side. When the Greek soldier had a shield, if he lost ir or threw it away it was punishable by death. In Heb. 10:35 it tells us cast not away your confidence which has great recompence of reward.
confidence goes with faith. Eph.6 calls it our shield of faith. So faith is believing God for anything.
God as our shield is all inclusive. Whatever we need to protect us would be anything--- whatsoever you ask the father in my name he will give it to you--why?-- so the father can be glorified through the son.
What is it you need? Jesus would say let it be unto you according to your faith.
Today the world doesn't believe in Jesus. It is a certain amount of people who do. The world always has to develope what they need.
If you hang around a generous rich man, you don't need money. If you don't you have to go get it another way. So if you don't need God you invent every device for survival. Take healing for example. A pill would take place of a miracle. The world has to get well that's no option. There is no use telling them to believe for a miracle. The point is we were of this world born to take the relief of that pill. It will always be that way until we find a alternative.
God is my shield of health. Proof of this is I haven't had a pill or been to the Dr. 38 years. Honestly it was one time, I had to go because a accident at work. Had to go but refused the medicine which the nurse said you can refuse it. went home that same night. So I didn't really go I was carried. Well will tell you a little more-- I was cut in half. Only one inch of bone held two halves together. To gross to tell more but in 3 days was full well. To close this will say this shield is a shield of faith to believe God for whatever you need for your life that protects and keeps you secure.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Gen. 14:23 scriptural prosperity
There's no doubt, Abraham makes it clear. God is glorified when we receive from him our blessings.
It is possible to have many things and say God gave them. The king of Sodom who is rich wants to give to Abraham many things, but proof here that not all things come from God.
Yes it's true God made all things. He wants us to have many blessings. The devil offered Jesus the world if he would bow down and worship him. Matt.4.
Paul when he was in prison said the evil men preach Jesus to contend with him. Paul let them know no problem at least Jesus is preached.
God is glorified when his people are blessed. He said ask and receive. Let it be unto you according to your faith.
Remember if you give to a false minister you are supporting his evils. So always pray and you will find the man of God. Then you will be blessed by God and not one like the king of Sodom. Our father owns the cattle on a 1,000 hills. amen.
It is possible to have many things and say God gave them. The king of Sodom who is rich wants to give to Abraham many things, but proof here that not all things come from God.
Yes it's true God made all things. He wants us to have many blessings. The devil offered Jesus the world if he would bow down and worship him. Matt.4.
Paul when he was in prison said the evil men preach Jesus to contend with him. Paul let them know no problem at least Jesus is preached.
God is glorified when his people are blessed. He said ask and receive. Let it be unto you according to your faith.
Remember if you give to a false minister you are supporting his evils. So always pray and you will find the man of God. Then you will be blessed by God and not one like the king of Sodom. Our father owns the cattle on a 1,000 hills. amen.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Gen. 14:16-28 . Restore and reward.
That righteous Abraham not only goes and gets the goods which were given by God, and taken away, but he receives a tremendous meeting with a king who has a very important place in the bible.
As we examine what Abraham did in helping others to recover their blessings, Abraham pictures what Melchisedec reveals.
Heb.7:1 He is the priest of the most high God. Jesus who is now our great high priest . Like Melchisedec who has a never ending priesthood, prays in heaven for us to be strong against our foes. Also to have grace through all circumstances He undertakes our cause. This is that which Abraham was doing for others. Abraham was not able to know Jesus like we do so now we understand that meaning of Melchisede So Jesus now is filling that place of doing for us what Abraham did for his people. But of coarse that is on a far greater level and amount of grace.
As we examine what Abraham did in helping others to recover their blessings, Abraham pictures what Melchisedec reveals.
Heb.7:1 He is the priest of the most high God. Jesus who is now our great high priest . Like Melchisedec who has a never ending priesthood, prays in heaven for us to be strong against our foes. Also to have grace through all circumstances He undertakes our cause. This is that which Abraham was doing for others. Abraham was not able to know Jesus like we do so now we understand that meaning of Melchisede So Jesus now is filling that place of doing for us what Abraham did for his people. But of coarse that is on a far greater level and amount of grace.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Gen. 13:2-14 being rich.
To understand some things we first have to realise that there is a difference for us. Abraham and Lot are wealthy in their time with the most important riches. Cattle was what they used for money. They also used metals. There was also trading. They had so much that there was no room to stay close together. We need to see that it was given to them by God.
In Heb. 11:26 This scripture is a very unique one. Moses here is not so interested in Egypt's (type of the world) riches. He doesn't know the Christ--or does he? He stood face to face with him in his pre-incarnate state. That is the angel of the Lord. The wonderful point here is the riches of Christ.
If you know the riches of Christ they include the material as well as the spiritual. But let it be known that the spiritual far out weigh the material. Will give you a example of that.
Everyone wants to have peace of mind amen??
You can have millions of dollars and not have peace.
The peace Jesus gives is so great that you can have peace with 50 cents in your pocket and have bills colectors knocking at your doors.
Isa. 26:3 he will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him.
Phil. 4:7 peace which passeth all understanding.
Both of these promise peace of mind. Yet they never mention money. They are the true riches of Christ.
Remember both the wealth of Abraham included that peace as well as cattle. He was under covenant and he knew it. He learned over time to have faith and trust God. So included in the receiving also came training. We have to be trained it just doesn't drop in our laps. It would be so nice if all we have to do is just give money to the church. Then we are led to believe that God will flow all the blessings on us.
Abraham could give away all he wanted to but that still didn't bring Issaac to him any sooner. Issaac must come to him in God's timing. Your needs will come to you in God's timing. Don't quit being a giver. But don't be deceived by gimmicks to get you to give your money with the false hopes that you will get something right now for giving. God will still expect your faith to wait till he is ready.
So don't forget that the life of faith is more blessed to receive from God the greater riches of the spiritual life. What you become will go with you to heaven but what you have in possessions materially will be left behind.
In Heb. 11:26 This scripture is a very unique one. Moses here is not so interested in Egypt's (type of the world) riches. He doesn't know the Christ--or does he? He stood face to face with him in his pre-incarnate state. That is the angel of the Lord. The wonderful point here is the riches of Christ.
If you know the riches of Christ they include the material as well as the spiritual. But let it be known that the spiritual far out weigh the material. Will give you a example of that.
Everyone wants to have peace of mind amen??
You can have millions of dollars and not have peace.
The peace Jesus gives is so great that you can have peace with 50 cents in your pocket and have bills colectors knocking at your doors.
Isa. 26:3 he will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him.
Phil. 4:7 peace which passeth all understanding.
Both of these promise peace of mind. Yet they never mention money. They are the true riches of Christ.
Remember both the wealth of Abraham included that peace as well as cattle. He was under covenant and he knew it. He learned over time to have faith and trust God. So included in the receiving also came training. We have to be trained it just doesn't drop in our laps. It would be so nice if all we have to do is just give money to the church. Then we are led to believe that God will flow all the blessings on us.
Abraham could give away all he wanted to but that still didn't bring Issaac to him any sooner. Issaac must come to him in God's timing. Your needs will come to you in God's timing. Don't quit being a giver. But don't be deceived by gimmicks to get you to give your money with the false hopes that you will get something right now for giving. God will still expect your faith to wait till he is ready.
So don't forget that the life of faith is more blessed to receive from God the greater riches of the spiritual life. What you become will go with you to heaven but what you have in possessions materially will be left behind.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Gen. 12:17 special woman
Think of it men, If God can trouble Pharoah and get him to do right by that woman-- Sarah, how much more can he make your woman go in the right direction. Neither Pharoah or Sarah can go on in their seperate ways. We who desire that our wives go God's way shall not be dissapointed.
That includes our children. They may be rebelious and stubborn but they are only digging deeper into their own devices. Living our own way will lead to the end of ourselves.
If we look at Issaac and see how he followed the way his father did that to Pharoah, It is evident there that it works again and again. Pharoah let Issaac's wife go to. It says when you get married you become one. Well then you both have the same eyes on you. God will bless you both or get you into the place of blessing. It's all grace so quit trying to play with God. He is no loser we are the losers if we are not in the place of blessing. Even trials work for our good.
Pharoah is a type of the devil. he has the right to all people until God hears faith. then it must change.
God made me misserable when he called me into his kingdom. I am so glad he did.
That includes our children. They may be rebelious and stubborn but they are only digging deeper into their own devices. Living our own way will lead to the end of ourselves.
If we look at Issaac and see how he followed the way his father did that to Pharoah, It is evident there that it works again and again. Pharoah let Issaac's wife go to. It says when you get married you become one. Well then you both have the same eyes on you. God will bless you both or get you into the place of blessing. It's all grace so quit trying to play with God. He is no loser we are the losers if we are not in the place of blessing. Even trials work for our good.
Pharoah is a type of the devil. he has the right to all people until God hears faith. then it must change.
God made me misserable when he called me into his kingdom. I am so glad he did.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Gen. 12:7 a new alter
Notice here in v.7 you have a man who is selected to be a leader.
He stands out alone in the picture. Then when you think about Noah he does the same. There is a simularity there. 1. they both are before God
2. they build a alter.
3. God makes covenant with them.
4. for them will be new beginnings. For Noah starting from region of Ararat, and for Abraham the land of Canaan.
These all point to a new beginning and a restoration.
That is what it's all about. God calls a person to salvation. Then to the alter Rom. 12:1-2 sacrifice is upon the alter. Then seperation from the world. That would be so you could walk in a total new life.
Jn. 10:10 part B. I am come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. That is what covenant is all about. covenant of peace. The Heb. for peace means shalom---total well being. or anything your heart desires. That was what Canaan was. A land of plenty where everything was provided for God's people. They would know no poverty.
2Cor. 5:17 though the word creation is used by many, it says creature. The definition does include creation, but the word creature is used. That has a significance. creation speaks of a momentary thing example---I am now saved so as to be a Christian.---I have made the prayer and asked Jesus in my heart and now I am his. but creature has a deeper meaning. After being created, now it will be a life as a creature in a continuous developement. This creature has within it the capability to develope into a overcomer in this life from all of the past world's programming. It will climb on a continuous non-resisting climb to a higher life.
A life of victory, prosperity, love, faith, miraculous asistance from father God. It will move mountains and difficulties out of the way in order to see the kingdom of God promoted.
the negative will be replaced by the positive. Even in difficult cercumstances will look to father for deliverance.
Of course there is much more because abundant life is more than this page can hold. Got your attention when said God will supply your every need. Look at Ps. 84:11 no good thing will he withold to those who walk uprightly. His righteousness is what is upright.
It's all about relationship with God. Without that we are just a creation but not a new living creature.
My testimony is God has been faithful to me 40 years. And the blessings that have come my way would make your hair stand stright up. It is faith in his faithfulness.
He stands out alone in the picture. Then when you think about Noah he does the same. There is a simularity there. 1. they both are before God
2. they build a alter.
3. God makes covenant with them.
4. for them will be new beginnings. For Noah starting from region of Ararat, and for Abraham the land of Canaan.
These all point to a new beginning and a restoration.
That is what it's all about. God calls a person to salvation. Then to the alter Rom. 12:1-2 sacrifice is upon the alter. Then seperation from the world. That would be so you could walk in a total new life.
Jn. 10:10 part B. I am come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. That is what covenant is all about. covenant of peace. The Heb. for peace means shalom---total well being. or anything your heart desires. That was what Canaan was. A land of plenty where everything was provided for God's people. They would know no poverty.
2Cor. 5:17 though the word creation is used by many, it says creature. The definition does include creation, but the word creature is used. That has a significance. creation speaks of a momentary thing example---I am now saved so as to be a Christian.---I have made the prayer and asked Jesus in my heart and now I am his. but creature has a deeper meaning. After being created, now it will be a life as a creature in a continuous developement. This creature has within it the capability to develope into a overcomer in this life from all of the past world's programming. It will climb on a continuous non-resisting climb to a higher life.
A life of victory, prosperity, love, faith, miraculous asistance from father God. It will move mountains and difficulties out of the way in order to see the kingdom of God promoted.
the negative will be replaced by the positive. Even in difficult cercumstances will look to father for deliverance.
Of course there is much more because abundant life is more than this page can hold. Got your attention when said God will supply your every need. Look at Ps. 84:11 no good thing will he withold to those who walk uprightly. His righteousness is what is upright.
It's all about relationship with God. Without that we are just a creation but not a new living creature.
My testimony is God has been faithful to me 40 years. And the blessings that have come my way would make your hair stand stright up. It is faith in his faithfulness.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Gen. 12:1-5 I will bless thee.
What a spectacular moment. All he has to do is act. He went---that is where it all began. He obeyed. Proof here that God talks with a man. No questions, what shall I do? He hears he does. God is going to do big things here. v.2-3 You talk about the word blessing. It is a two way deal. He will be a blessing and God will bless him. Might add everybody will have to bless him.
Somebody messing with you. Calling you names, pickin on you. Bless your enemies do good to them that persecute you for yours is the kingdom blessings. Here's how it works. You act right and then God sees that and sends blessings through providence that far outway the problem. Also you will keep your mind righteous. Yes it's possible that you will be trained in this. Soldiers always train and then when in battle they are equipped to win.
We were trained to hate but God is training us to love---we don't know how in most cases.
v.5 want to laugh? Here's a original--- Abraham goes out with substance and spirits. Opps--Does he walk around with spirits? Well you can see he is blessed because he walks around with substance. He has a lot of it and when it's all over he will have lots more. That is a visible thing. Now watch this---He walks around with--souls. Vines describes them as living breathing creatures.
That was Haran not haunted house. v.5
There's where these souls came from. So we must see that they are living souls and what's inside of them is their spirit. The soul comprises a body and a spirit. Ever here that saying that horse has spirit. it's a internal thing. That thing manifest outwardly through that body.
Look where they're heading. right towards Canaan. The land of blessing. I get the distinct idea that God wants to bless, so we can bless, and be a bless, and go towards our bless. Is it all for Abraham. Last blog post we mention Gal. 3:29 last part of the verse-- ye are Abraham's seed and heirs of the promise.
in the next study we will see a bigger view of this.
Somebody messing with you. Calling you names, pickin on you. Bless your enemies do good to them that persecute you for yours is the kingdom blessings. Here's how it works. You act right and then God sees that and sends blessings through providence that far outway the problem. Also you will keep your mind righteous. Yes it's possible that you will be trained in this. Soldiers always train and then when in battle they are equipped to win.
We were trained to hate but God is training us to love---we don't know how in most cases.
v.5 want to laugh? Here's a original--- Abraham goes out with substance and spirits. Opps--Does he walk around with spirits? Well you can see he is blessed because he walks around with substance. He has a lot of it and when it's all over he will have lots more. That is a visible thing. Now watch this---He walks around with--souls. Vines describes them as living breathing creatures.
That was Haran not haunted house. v.5
There's where these souls came from. So we must see that they are living souls and what's inside of them is their spirit. The soul comprises a body and a spirit. Ever here that saying that horse has spirit. it's a internal thing. That thing manifest outwardly through that body.
Look where they're heading. right towards Canaan. The land of blessing. I get the distinct idea that God wants to bless, so we can bless, and be a bless, and go towards our bless. Is it all for Abraham. Last blog post we mention Gal. 3:29 last part of the verse-- ye are Abraham's seed and heirs of the promise.
in the next study we will see a bigger view of this.
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