Think of it men, If God can trouble Pharoah and get him to do right by that woman-- Sarah, how much more can he make your woman go in the right direction. Neither Pharoah or Sarah can go on in their seperate ways. We who desire that our wives go God's way shall not be dissapointed.
That includes our children. They may be rebelious and stubborn but they are only digging deeper into their own devices. Living our own way will lead to the end of ourselves.
If we look at Issaac and see how he followed the way his father did that to Pharoah, It is evident there that it works again and again. Pharoah let Issaac's wife go to. It says when you get married you become one. Well then you both have the same eyes on you. God will bless you both or get you into the place of blessing. It's all grace so quit trying to play with God. He is no loser we are the losers if we are not in the place of blessing. Even trials work for our good.
Pharoah is a type of the devil. he has the right to all people until God hears faith. then it must change.
God made me misserable when he called me into his kingdom. I am so glad he did.
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