Sunday, April 3, 2011

Gen. 12:7 a new alter

Notice here in v.7  you have a man who is selected to be a leader.    
He stands out alone in the picture. Then when you think about Noah he does the same.  There is a simularity there.  1.   they both are before God
           2.   they build a alter.
          3.   God makes covenant with them.
          4.   for them will be new beginnings.  For Noah  starting from region of Ararat,  and for Abraham the land of Canaan.
These  all point to a new beginning and a restoration.
That is what it's all about.   God calls a person to salvation.   Then to the alter  Rom. 12:1-2   sacrifice is upon the alter.  Then seperation from the world. That would be so you could walk in a total new life.
Jn. 10:10  part B. I am come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. That is what covenant is all about.  covenant of peace.  The Heb. for peace means shalom---total well being. or anything your heart desires.  That was what Canaan was.  A land of plenty where everything was provided for God's people.  They would know no poverty.

2Cor. 5:17   though the word creation is used by many, it says creature. The definition does include creation, but the word creature is used.  That has a significance.  creation speaks of  a momentary thing  example---I am now saved so as to be a Christian.---I have made the prayer and asked Jesus in my heart and now I am his.    but creature has a deeper meaning. After being created, now it will be a life as a creature in a continuous developement.  This creature has within it the capability to develope into a  overcomer in this life from all of the past world's programming.  It will climb on a continuous non-resisting climb to a higher life.
A life of victory,  prosperity,  love, faith,  miraculous asistance from father God. It will move mountains and difficulties out of the way in order to see the kingdom of God promoted. 
the negative will be replaced by the positive.  Even in difficult cercumstances will look to father for deliverance.

Of course there is much more because abundant life is more than this page can hold.  Got your attention when said God will supply your every need.  Look at Ps. 84:11   no good thing will he withold to those who walk uprightly.  His righteousness is what is upright.
It's all about relationship with God. Without that we are just a creation but not a new living creature.
My testimony is God has been faithful to me 40 years. And the blessings that have come my way would make your hair stand stright up.    It is faith in his faithfulness.

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