Gen. 32:10 Look at Jacob here. He humbles himself saying two things are important. He sees that mercies and truth are the greatest thing here that will save his life from the wrath of his brother Esau. He reveals that he didn't do anything to deserve them. In ver. 11 he is honest and says he fears his brother and will send two groups of his family ahead of him. v.12 His faith is in the promises of God to the fathers and him. Gal.3:29 shows us that the same promise there applies to those who are believers in Jesus.
In John 14:6 Jesus is the way the truth and the life. There we have the truth, he teaches only truth. The word for truth also includes stability. That keeps a person from developing their own doctrine or beliefs. Here is a example of what I'm saying here.
There was a time when a certain church had cassette tapes for the whole seminary that they taught at their college. After borrowing from their library I heard them all. There was one tape that was very troubling. The basic point was that he taught you can blaspheme the Holy Spirit and be saved. He said that was for past times but now it's not a problem with God. He will forgive. Matt. 12:31 shows that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. One of them is charging his works of the devil.
This was a tape by Wilmington at liberty University. Back in Jerry F. time. It is likely that students will agree or fail.
Also Jacob trusted on the character of God. God is in himself mercy. He gives out of himself mercies. If you are in need of God to help you humbly ask for mercy. Study that word in the bible. It will quicken your faith. Remember God is also truth and he will respond to those who keep the truth and not error concerning his word. Hitler was prosperous and very wealthy, that did not proof God gave it to him. He was a thief and corruption. Also a tyrant. So are false teachers and prophets for they rob the poor.
In mercy to the end time church, God is calling us to truth and mercy. Forgiveness is a important lesson and sometimes hard to learn. We as Christians have a lot of enemies, and will be like Jesus to be merciful. How to win? Out of God's vast supply he will recover all losses and protect and make all work for our good. What a joy to have seen this many many times. The big thing is the wisdom of God flow as a river to make my sad heart joyful.
In Lam. 3:22-23 my example. remember the manna Israel had daily? That was while they had been much complaining. Every day it was there. In Lam.3 we see his compassions fail not they are new every morning (day). I don't deserve this but he gives it faithfully. I love his truth and his mercy. I love him because he is great and worthy to be praised. Best of all I know him personally and not just a religion.
By the way, Esau is the Arabs who are always fighting with Israel. They forgot Jacob and Esau made peace. Don't ever forfeit your birth right. Jacob used it wisely. My birth right is Jesus and he is forever my God.