Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The mercies of God.

      Gen. 32:10   Look at Jacob here.  He humbles himself saying two things are important.  He sees that mercies and truth are the greatest thing here that will save his life from the wrath of his brother Esau. He reveals that he didn't do anything to deserve them.   In ver. 11  he is honest and says he fears his brother and will send two groups of his family ahead of him.  v.12  His faith is in the promises of God to the fathers and him.    Gal.3:29  shows us that the same promise there applies to those who are believers in Jesus.

     In John 14:6  Jesus is the way  the truth  and the life.  There we have the truth, he teaches only truth.  The word for truth also includes stability.  That keeps a person from developing their own doctrine or beliefs. Here is a example of what I'm saying here. 

     There was a time when a certain church had cassette tapes for the whole  seminary that they taught at their college.   After borrowing from their library I heard them all.  There was one tape that was very troubling.  The basic point was that he taught you can blaspheme the Holy Spirit and be saved.  He said that was for past times but now it's not a problem with God. He will forgive.  Matt. 12:31 shows that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.  One of them is charging his works  of the devil.  

     This was a tape by Wilmington at liberty University. Back in Jerry  F. time.  It is likely that students will agree or fail.

     Also Jacob trusted on the character of God.  God is in himself mercy.  He  gives out of himself mercies.  If you are in need of God to help you humbly ask for mercy.  Study that word in the bible.  It will quicken your faith.  Remember God is also truth and he will respond to those who keep the truth and not error concerning his word.  Hitler was prosperous  and very wealthy, that did not proof God gave it to him. He was a thief and corruption.  Also a tyrant.  So are false teachers and prophets for they rob the poor.

     In mercy to the end time church, God is calling us to truth and mercy.  Forgiveness is a important lesson and sometimes hard to learn.  We as Christians have a lot of enemies, and will be like Jesus to be merciful.  How to win?  Out of God's vast supply he will recover all losses and protect and make all work for our good.  What a joy to have seen this many many times.  The big thing is the wisdom of God flow as a river to make my sad heart joyful.

     In Lam. 3:22-23  my  example.  remember the manna Israel had daily?  That was while they had been much complaining.  Every day it was there.  In Lam.3  we see his compassions  fail not they are new every morning (day).  I don't  deserve this but he gives it faithfully.  I love his truth and his mercy.  I love him because  he is great and worthy to be praised.  Best of all I know him personally and not just a religion.

     By the way, Esau is the Arabs who are always fighting with Israel.  They forgot Jacob and Esau made peace.  Don't ever forfeit your birth right.  Jacob used it wisely.  My birth right is Jesus and he is forever my God.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Jewish leaders said Jesus sinned. John 10:33 did he ?

      Jn. 10:33-36  They didn't say it for his good works, yet they  called him  Beelzebub.  They were liars.  They charged him falsely with having sin.  He said he is the son of God.  blaspheme is a sin.  They charged him with high sin and therefore death.   see  Deut. 21:23  and  Gal. 3:13  if your hanged on a tree you are a curse.  Not if you are innocent and falsely charged with sin.  That is therefore the sin put on him, and in turn he received a reproach.  reproach means -- shame,  rebuke, disgrace.  we were sinners before Jesus became our savior.    If we sin,  we confess and ask forgiveness.  1Jn.1:9   That sin is a reproach and the world points the finger-- that is reproach.  If in prayer we apologize God will forgive and reproach is removed from his view.  

      Ps. 69:9,20  the reproaches have fallen on Christ,  that is what came on him not our sins.  2 Cor. 5:21 He was made sin was the charge made of him-- he blasphemes.  Because  he says he is the son of God.   see Matt. 27:40,43.   both verses show the people saying come down and saying if you be the son of God.  That was reproach-- rebuke shame disgrace.  Today they say he was a sinner an had to be born again .  If anyone says Jesus blood  unclean they are guilty of  blasphemy.  If done accidentally ask forgiveness and make it right through knowledge of the word.

     The leaders real concern was that he was a king and  qualified to be a leader instead of them.  They always were trying to kill or stop his  movement of righteousness.  They would try to trap him in his speech or try to set him up by false charges.  They were hypocrites. They would make all the laws work to their advantage.  They loved the tax money.  Also the power lead for advantage.  Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

prophesy being fulfilled right now.

      1.  D. Trump with Netanyahu tried to get the peace treaty signed by Palestinians.  This is the same  treaty  the Antichrist will fulfil.  see D

 an.9:27  that peace is by treaty.

     2.   The building of a Abrahamic  -- 3 buildings.  This is a beginning of a one world religion.  it is Catholic , Islam, Jewish.  It is not Christian.  

     3.   The third temple is now being built.   

      4.    The Red heifer which has not been for many years has appeared.  It is used for a offering to cleanse  all that pertains to the temple in  a ceremony.  see Num. 19:1-10. 

      5.   Many of the future events Jesus mentioned in Matt. 24:  are happening.   He also said the temple in Roman times would be completely taken apart stone by stone and that happened.

      6.   Many U.S.A.  Presidents have declared we need a NWO   new world order.

      7.   We see a one world banking system arising.  This would  fulfil the prophesy that no one can buy or sell unless take mark of the beast. Rev. 13:17.  

      8.   Many nations which are communist are  joining together to remove the biblical ethics.   I still remember during Obama  tghe setting up of the gates of Baal different places one in NYC.  

      9.  Do some homework,  many Egyptian symbols are attached to  logos in most businesses.  On the  back of the dollar for example eye and pyramid.  Pharaoh will rise again and he is really antichrist.

      10.   Movies with occult and witchcraft are popular.  read the abominations of  2 Chron. 33:6, Deut. 18:10.    magic wands are a popular abom.  Ex. 22:18 witches not to live--that is proof of right to judge.

      11.   Pharaoh and Herod  put babies to death.  Why?  they are created in the image of God.  Are you a man or a woman?  You are created in the image of God.   Do you wear costumes or strange  clothing?  You are made in the image of God.

       12.  The bible is God's word and standard.  If you said it it is your words.  If God says it then those are his words and they are to be understood the way he said them.  Tamper all you want they will never be changed by God.  The bible was written with many secrets to prove it is  reliable.  Unfortunately  if you debate with it all the secrets stay hidden.  

    I have only scratched the surface  with this post.  may do more later of the  secrets. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The church of today one thing needed.

      The wisdom of the O.T. reveals  a important lesson for us today.  Unfortunately  it  is this wisdom that is rejected.  It was surprising when I saw that it was two times mentioned in both Ex. 18: and Num. 11: both were  not exactly the same but gave the same point.    

     In Ex. 18 :18  The problem was Moses  was not able to do it alone.  He needed men to help him.    in  v.21 we see that men to help  him must be qualified.   A.   They must be  men who love truth.  B.   They must not be lovers of money and temporal things. That is a  heart of idolatry.   By the way if you say you love truth you will be walking in the truth.  

     In Num. 11:14  This is another situation where Moses is finding the people a difficult situation, they are so many.  Best estimates were there were  3 and a half million people out of Egypt.  They were a people who murmured and complained.   This is where Go calls for 70 elders.    In 11:17 God takes of the Holy Spirit  and gives it also to the 70 elders.  Then we have a event that pictures Pentecost.  In Acts 2:17  The Holy Spirit fell on the people and they shall prophesy. along with visions and dreams also.  In 2:20  we have also blood moon.  

     Now to illumine--  Moses needed men of the Spirit.    He  is seen to know without that help the people would fall.    When Pentecost came it was the same thing, people being used by God's Spirit  to do amazing things.  Now compare our time.  Read 1 Cor. 5:11  These are people not qualified  to even be associate with.  2Thess. 2:3  a great falling away  an the antichrist  revealed.   So many scriptures reveal that because the Assemblies are not full of the Holy Spirit and  one minister over them--not five-fold,  they are weak an unable to fulfil God's will.    The excuse not for today is prevalent .   Only God can cause there to be divine order, the rest is flesh.   Just maybe I sound like I am prophesying. 

Friday, December 2, 2022

Good tidings of joy Luke chapter 1,2,8

      These 3 chapters reveal what the gospel is.   In ch.1 :19  the angel Gabriel announces  he is come to bring glad tidings.  In ch. 2:10  the angel says I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. In ch. 8:1  The preaching going about was glad tidings about the kingdom of God.  This good news was at that time being told to Jews who were at times becoming converts to Christianity. 

     In Romans 10:15  what is being preached?  The gospel of peace which is the glad tidings.  One observe you can see is that the gospel of peace was being told to Jews.  Later when it went to Gentiles it started with Greeks.  My point is that if it were gospel of peace it was called shalom.  Yes tidings of shalom.  That was a Hebrew word.   H7965 BDB  shalom  I chose a few definitions words.  completeness, health, prosperity,  safety,  contentment, protect from war etc.  that was the gospel Jesus was preaching.  He kept quiet about the cross.  that is found in Matt. 17.   The Holy Spirit was the bringer of power to obtain the good tidings.

     Now we have  a problem.  As time went on there was those who didn't like  people being converts to Christian faith.  This was a loss of money and support.  Constantine had a plan to give people a place in his kingdom.  He  would invent a plan to save his kingdom , so he must make everyone happy.  So he allowed  Christians and Jews to dwell with the other peoples who had different religions if they would pay tribute and taxes.  That would make everyone happy as they would support  Constantine.  

     The name of this program will shock you.  What did Constantine invent.  (mas)  This Hebrew word is H4522 mas BDB  some chosen words from definition are -- forced labor,  tribute, taskmasters, slaves, enforced payment.   That was the noun.  here is the verb. H4549 masas  BDB   a few here.  melt away, waste,  faint, grow fearful,  worthless.   As you can see a path to destruction.  Just one example , support of a man who says he is God.  That would cause a falling from grace.  The law of God was thou shalt not kill,  Con. was a military leader killing to conquer for his cause.  Do some history homework.  

     In summary-- mas and masas do not sound like good tidings of great joy but bondage.  I have a title for it  anti-Christ turned backwards  is  Christ-mas.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Direct revelation will put overcomers in first place.

      In John ch. 4:  it is the rivers of living waters,  flowing from God Holy Spirit that gives life.  In Rev. ch. 12:15  we see a flood flows from devil mouth.   That is the difference.  In Isa. 59:19  the enemy comes in like a flood.  God raises a standard against him.    Jer. 46:7-8  Notice that this flood is shown to be like a river.   Egypt is also here as a flood.  If you didn't know this the new Pharaoh is anti Christ.  You have been seeing his spirit in signs like triangles with a Egyptian eye in it. The Pope and Vatican is a study revealing much Egyptian symbolism. 

     Read Dan. 9:26  the flood there is right in the tribulation period.  The flood is after the saints are raptured and this is the remnant of her seed in a flood. Rev. 12:15.  There will be two floods. One is righteousness and salvation or the other, the world and it's ways.  

     The bible is the word of God.  The Holy Spirit is the water Jn.ch.7:38-39.  The Holy Spirit is the standard of Isa. 59:19.  Any words not of God are not of any power and are vanity.  God's word given freely as a river from our belly will put us over and  overcome the devil lies and words.

     Isa. 28:1-12  w/ 1 Cor. 14:21  we have the Holy Spirit who will be victorious. ch.28: v. 16 reveals him as the cornerstone.  In 1 Peter 2:2   we have desire the milk and in ch.2:6  we have the cornerstone.  In Isa. 28:9  we have the milk-- v.16 we have the cornerstone.    Isa. 28:2  Assyria is the flood that God will send against unfaithful of God's people.  We see that 2 stories are here,  one is Assyria and the other the church in Peters day.  

     Once we realize that the flood of the tribulation  period which is sent by God, because of apostasy of Israel and the church (seed of the woman)  who gets converted, will actually be a flood to bring in converts. Assyria brought the Jews to repent and rebuild the temple.  After a period of tribulation. Then there will be a new temple--our future, with Jesus as the king on throne of David. Zech. 14:9.

     I find it difficult to say things so deep from God.  If ever I were in a pulpit it would be easier to explain them. That is why you must study the scriptures I have given-slowly and carefully.  If it helps, my point is  1. 2 floods and in  2. Isa.28 and 1Cor. 14   the waters of the Holy Spirit.  3. parallels of Egypt and Assyria with our future.  prophetically.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Jeremiah ch. 1:1 God formed.

      Jeremiah was a prophet before the womb.  God put his words in Jer. mouth.  That is by the Holy Spirit.  Many women had children yet they were barren.  Jesus knows all , nothings is surprising to him.  In Luke 6:22  it shows that the world will hate us and separate from us.   Then it says we are blessed.  We are to love our enemies.  

     Let's figure that all out.      1.  God created us and chose us before the foundation of earth.  Eph. 1:4 

     2.  we are his saints by a calling before birth.     3.  His words are in our mouth to give life.  4.  We are to be blessed. John 10:29  no one can pluck us from God's hand.   The same hand that holds us created us. 

     In 10:33 of Jn. the Jewish leaders  admit it wasn't for his good works but because he said he is the son of God.   Jeremiah  was sent to speak God's word.  The world hates God's word. It is a sharp two-edged sword. Yet if they don't hear it they will perish.   Now do you see why God created Jeremiah?   God created all people for a purpose.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Why the polls are so close almost equal.

      This year the talk we hear is some Democrats are switching over to   Red.  What I see is that they are being woke up to what the results of evil is doing to America.  The new world order is a priority to  change the  world.  It is also the seat of the Antichrist.  

communism in any country forbids the bible or Christianity.  The Pope is the only one to read his Latin bible.  It appears that the NWO is about communism. America is resisting, but the nations are trying to force it upon us.  I have seen videos with huge armies all standing in groups.  1,000s at one place.  Then I notice they all are  communist.   Yet the  former President was denied a parade when he was in office.

     They said it costs to much.  We will send billions we don't have to help foreign nations.

     There is no turning back if you give what you have--freedom--away.  A person who chooses evil will find that evil is really their master.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Hebrew word analyzed reveals Jesus works. #1

      This is one example  showing that other language words are used to name something.  Nasa is a Hebrew word like Nike is a Greek word.   Sometimes a definition of a word has a wide range of meaning especially in the Hebrew.  It is likely that if you see many words that compliment  a word it will be the best definition.  nasa has many.  see BDB H5375  My choice was these  companion words.  

     carry away--sounds like it fits a take off of a spaceship?  The ship leaves and goes away , it only leaves.   next-- forgive.  next--to lift.  next--marry.  next  pardon.    Wow that is a big statement.  On the cross Jesus married us by dying for our sins.   My point about nasa is that the evidence points to Jesus lifting and that by forgiving and pardoning us.  The space ship leaves and is a picture that our sins were removed not given to him.  The worst thing we can do is charge Jesus as becoming unclean on the cross.  this series will be I guarantee you a positive proof that Jesus was holy and no sin touched him. The priest even had to go into the holy place to talk with God on the mercy seat which was sprinkled with innocent blood to meet there.  Even where bells saying he was approaching.  His garments were washed just Like Joshua the high priest who had new clean garments given him.  

     Heb. 10:29  reads the blood could be counted as a unholy thing.  unclean blood of Jesus would not wash sins away through sacrifice. His blood must be believed as most holy Only holy clean blood can save us and make atonement for our  sins.

     The blood moon if it is lunar is for Israel.  today 11-7-2022  Netanyahu  is returning as prime minister.  He desires peace in Israel and that follows God's plan.  I will add to allow a little more time for salvation to Jews in Israel.  time is short.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

prosperity is it Matt. 6:33 or Matt. 4:8-9.

      A.  Notice  both passages mention the word kingdom.

      B.  Rom. 14:17  shows us the  kingdom is not food and drink, but righteousness , peace, joy in the Holy Spirit.  Did you notice Jesus was asked to make bread in  Matt.4 ?  Yes he was fasting also.  

     Many times I read Matt. 4,  but didn't  read Lk. 4  which is the same about Jesus temptation.  

     I am going to get on another path here.  Lk.4:3     It is the devil who asks Jesus a question that could be over looked.  If thou be the son of God.  see v.8  same thing, if thou be the son of God.  v.10  The devil quotes scripture to.  1.  Then the devil can make someone prosper.     2. He can  quote scripture.    In Lk. 4:14-15  Jesus is glorified and teaches the truth of God.  v.18  He taught by the Spirit of God and did marvels. Before Pentecost. He read the scriptures and proclaimed the truth.  v.22  Same chapter 4:  is this Joseph's son?   My  answer--  This is the son of God.   That is why he says in v.24 no Prophet is accepted in his own country.   v.28-30  see that?   we see the devil of the v.3 already at work in the unbelieving people.      If we think about it,  There is no way here that Jesus  would make the point that he was the son of God, at tremendous cost, if it were not true.  

     false religions say God has no son.

      false  preachers can prosper and quote scripture.

       My point?    we live in perilous times and need to not just listen and fall into the devil trap.  We must pray and be discerning and question whether it is truth or just what someone says.  In Luke we see that the devil acts as well through people and then cannot be seen as he was seen by Jesus.   Faithful saints are promised God's daily blessings as they seek him.

     Food for thought.   In my earlier blogs, but recent, I tell of the Kundalini. I mention the serpent goes up the spine and illumines a person.  Here is a new thing to think about.  In Isa. 61: 3  they shall be called trees of righteousness.  In the garden the  serpent is pointing to the tree  of knowledge of good and evil.  Then see Ps. 44:25  look at the figure here it points to the serpent being cast down to the dust.  people not saved have the same direction they will fall down in the dust--meaning go to the grave which is the same fate of the serpent.  

     fall under the power is a secret way of the serpent saying to God bad things in revenge for his fate.  He enacts his rage through people who God created to be loved by God.  In the last days Jesus says if it were possible he would deceive the very elect Matt. 24.  Go back to where I said my point above from here.      to prosper false religions and preachers is also a snare, many will do that anyway.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Jupiter close to earth in 2022

      Notice that Jupiter was in opposition  as well as closest to earth at around 59 years.  That means the sun was on one side of Earth and Jupiter on the other. Just like a eclipse does.  Jupiter is the largest planet of the known solar system.  It protects earth from a lot of flying objects.  The Shoemaker Levy9  comet  broke into 21 pieces by surrounding Jupiter.   I have my personal ideas as to whether it is a sign  from God prepared to tell us something at this time. What do you think, is it a sign?

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The abortion mystery.

      Just before the coming of antichrist, we have a historical repeating of two times in the past. In is very prophetical since all evidence reveals the mystery.  

     1. We have the time of Pharaoh and Moses is saved from abortion.  That is because they would kill a live baby just before birth.  We see beyond a baby just not extracted yet, it is alive and killed.   2.  Jesus was being chased to take his life.  Amazingly he gave up that life for us.  Pharaoh and Herod  had something in common.  They had no concern for human life. People were only good for slaves.  

     That is what communism is all about.  Owning people for slaves and getting rid of people or children that don't benefit us.  All laws that don't benefit us must be removed or have laws to benefit us.  Pharaoh and Herod always had a army of soldiers to surround them and control the people.  

     Now the mystery:   In Revelations ch.12:2,4,5  We have a man child to be born and the dragon Satan  will try to abort it.  This is a spiritual child who we are talking about.  Like Moses and Jesus they will be delivered.   It is important to understand that this is future and not the past.  Easy to see rapture not happen yet.  That reveals something else.  The Jews  of Israel both past and present have rejected Christ.  It is a definite future salvation of the Jews to fulfill God's covenant  with David and build a house forever. Zech. 14:9.  Therefore we see Israel cannot be the woman the man child came out of. 

     We who are true Christians and over comers , would only be able to rule the nations with the power of Christ by his Holy Spirit. Rev.12:6 rule with a rod of iron is for over comers. If we say that this was only for the church, how can we have this applying to over comers in (our) future.  (rapture not occurred yet).  Those who reject the Baptism Holy Spirit say it is not for today.  They say it was for the church of the past.  The Rev.12 is the future church with the same calling.  Rev. 12:6 rule with a rod of iron. See Rev.2:26-27 (past) same as( future )Rev. 12:6. 

     In Rev. 2:24  We have the depths of Satan.  did he go away ?  In Rev. 12:9  The dragon is Satan. How can we fight him without the Armour of God by the Holy Spirit? 

     So we see that their is a abortion on the horizon.  Those who are overcoming in all things will be prepared to be delivered from abortion like Jesus and Moses.  the key is all called to be saviors will always have God's protection. How? we proclaim the gospel to save the people of the nations. 

Monday, May 23, 2022

4. faith and a parrelel act. and my testimony.

     Early in the blog this year was doing a series  on faith.  three of them so far.  Here is a simple analogy. If we brush our teeth, we will have corresponding actions.  All we would say is-- I brushed my teeth.  There is a list of things that happen here.  We put past on a brush.  We scrub.  We rinse.  We clean the brush and close the paste etc.  Why then shouldn't  faith , which is something you do, not be seen the same way.  

     We need to know would God do it.  We need to ask with a heart free of doubt.  What will we say to avoid doubt.  Today we are learning #4.  How shall we act?  Everything we ask God for will be contested. Most important is faith pleases God. Hebrews 11:6.  Therefore our enemy must hinder that which pleases God.  Important faith is a growing thing in our lives. All must have a relationship with a God who gives to those who are upright. 

     Sorry but this train has no doors.  That is why many preachers on TV are falling into greed. They have a bill to pay and our out in the world view to be a example. Ben Hinn is a big example. He is in the world view and doing some no-no things. Coming out of Hotels holding hands of another women who preaches to.  If you preach on a big level you have to believe God to pay the bill, your teaching better  be without error.  The devil will pay the bill if you are a bad example, but you must answer to God one day.

     The bill will be eternally paid.

How to act?  Don't touch a hot stove.  Don't paint in a room with closed windows.  Don't ask God for a dollar  and then borrow it from someone to pay it back later.  Don't say Jesus is my savior and then  reply to someone I don't know if I'm going to heaven or not. Jn.3:16. 

     Here is a testimony to encourage faith. ----------  It was late one night and I was real tired. Agonizing in pain, yet didn't call a Dr. Didn't take a pill.  To be sick with pain and tears, and not be able to sleep.  While sitting in the bed, I heard a voice instructing me to go to the floor and get on my face. Then close my eyes. reach out and touch the hem of Jesus garment.  I was wondering but cause I didn't feel his garment. I was still believing I was touching it though. It was instant. All the pain left me right then and got in the bed and went right to sleep.  

     This is one of many testimonies.  There was a act of obedience . my loving saving Jesus glory to his name.  It means more to me that this will help others even more than it did me.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

May 15-16 bloodmoon, 2022 wow!!!

      In 2014 and 2015, we had a blood moon fall on pass over.  The timing for that was amazing.  This May 15-16 full lunar eclipse , will fall on the second pass over.  It is a pass over for those who missed the first one of the year.  Is it possible that it may mean that most missed the first blood moon meaning.  In 2014-2015,  no one seems to know what the sign meant.  A couple of preachers mentioned that the blood moons came in specific historical times.  That doesn't tell us what they mean.

     I can almost hear the shuffling of paper at their desks, as they think how much money they will make  off of the info.  Yet they will tell us nothing.  Read 2 Tim. 4:3   If you can see J.F.B. commentary it is really good.  ears to hear something new is my addition.  Remember the fear of God brings wisdom.  God taking a whole moon to make a sign is very humbling to me.

Friday, April 22, 2022

I just saw a sign #2 What the sign means.

      I believe I have the mind of the Spirit.   Skip the last post and see the sign was a rainbow the day before pass over.  There  the showing of it we have  it meant the same thing, the everlasting covenant. In Ezekiel 37:26 we have the full statement that is not broken up within a scripture verse.  It is really a everlasting covenant of (peace).   That means the (bow and the ) and( pass over )   must include the word peace.  

     In Eph. 2:17  We have a unique change in our thinking. we always hear preach the gospel. Here we have preach peace.  In Acts 2:39 we see what was here in Eph. 2:17.  look for the words afar off.  That would be the including of all gentiles.  If the covenant is everlasting then it never has ceased. 

     The word in Greek is the same word in Hebrew.  Greek 1515 eirene and Hebrew shalom h7965   Only by the Holy Spirit can this peace be applied.  The Holy Spirit in Jesus brought this peace into people. Now people can receive it or impart it to others.  We are not just talking about the peace of quietness only.  The peace (shalom ) means  welfare , health,prosperity, covenant with God, rest, safety, and so much more. 

     In Isaiah 57:19  Notice the Prophet says peace, peace two times.  Also we have again to them afar off Eph. 2:17.  Also remember mention of the word everlasting.  Never ending peace. Showing that peace refers to the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  For all to receive.  

Isaiah is showing the steps to revival.  Isa. 57:14-21  God was angry at the chosen people who were being covetous-lovers of gain and stubborn to answer his calling them to himself. He would make them see his wrath and hide himself from them ( not hear his voice included)  Then they would call on him in repentance , get rid of lukewarmness,  complacency, errors about his word, even rid of heresy.  in v.16 he will not contend forever (judge) but heal and restore them and renew his covenant of Peace. 

     Anyone that resists God's call to holiness, will either be brought back by God's sovereign hand or left to their own stubbornness  and no blessings. Anyone who preaches for gain only,  would be breaking God's law of love thy neighbor as thyself and love God with all your heart.  God's mighty hand to save his people is so they will rapture when he comes as the great Shepherd of the sheep.

     Isa. 26:3  God offers perfect peace to those who have him on their mind continually. No room for dark things in the mind full of light.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

This very interesting video showing resurection.


     The free download of stelarium is a great tool for locating times according to the stars and planets. It is used by NASA.  The name of video is Jesus astronomical simulation  He is risen , by Jeff K.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

I just saw a sign.

      For a moment there was a problem getting here , but God fixed it for this blog.  Today is April 16,2022.  It is the Jewish calendar date of the start of pass over.  When going in the kitchen thought I would take out the trash.  Didn't know it was raining.  Forgot to add before going to kitchen was watching my you tube video---Holy of Holies.  So while outside , the sun going down in  the horizon, it was sprinkling light rain. There was over my house the most beautiful rainbow. It was perfect and as bright as you could ever see it.  

     The rainbow mentioned in Gen. 9:16 was for a everlasting covenant.  This I just now saw.  But guess what?  tomorrow is pass over and in Hebrews 13:20 , it is speaking there about the everlasting covenant through Christ Jesus blood.  More-- The Jews begin pass over today in the evening until tomorrow in the first half of the day. You can see that on the Hebrew calendar online.

     What has happened here is God is speaking to me that through his everlasting covenant , he has made me washed in his blood and then welcome to come before him to praise worship and give thanks, The invitation is to all who will come.  See my last blog about praise meter.  That was written about 1-2 hours ago. This sign was for you,me, and the whole world actually.  Maybe someone will accept Jesus invitation to be saved.  This blog may help someone find the way to Jesus. God bless in Jesus name.

raising the meter on the praise volume.

      When a Christian who is walking in righteousness, hears this it will amaze them.  Praise and thanks to God in Spirit and truth is becoming more valuable than you think.  It's not that our sacrifices ( a sweet smelling savor of Christ) is any more valuable to God,but that he is getting less and less of it.

     1.  People are forgetting to gives thanks at the dinner table.  The results are terrible.  Less food at the stores.  Prices going up.  Fast food discount stores charging $3.50 for a dozen eggs.  Of course God had nothing to do with it. That's right he allowed it.

     2.  People who use food for religious or pagan practices, or holidays, are contributing to God's displeasure. 

     3.  There is much music with blaspheme and cursing in it.  It is expressing occult practices and Satanic hidden meanings in it. Years ago there was vinyl records when played backwards with evil messages on it.  They even go into rooms and worship Satan with star on the floor and candles they pray Satan will prosper their music before it goes out.

     4.  But now it got worse. hard rock and heavy metal music in the church.  In one church they came out to worship wearing costumes. One fellow came out as a cowboy and in his under wear.  I must add in other churches staying with the truth of God's word are coming out properly dressed.  Tight clothing reveals just as much as if you were wearing nothing.  God made women so that when you are young you will enjoy them in marriage. I am elderly and find the best in my wife is from her inner person. She looks good to me.  In all honesty in my youth, I was a two eyed monster. I know now that I can look but what I think is the important thing.  That applies to everything in life. we see with eyes but think righteously.

     final--- God is watching us and sees with a special interest, if our praise and worship and thanks is genuine.   If it is grace is being poured out like a flood from a happy heavenly father. He is always causing us to find what we need abundantly.  After all what is high prices when God supernaturally is sending enormous amounts of cash your way?          Thank you Jesus on this special pass over weekend. I celebrate death burial and resurrection only.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

American dream what it means to us.

      Let us look at two parallels.  In Numbers ch.22:18  we see that Balaam  has been convinced by God to only speak the words God tells him to speak.  It is so important to him that he will not take a house full of silver and gold.  We don't want to forget that God has blessed Israel and so they will never need to covet anything. God will supply their needs just like he will for the Christian believers who trust by faith for their needs.  

     Now we have a amazing copy.  In Matt.4:1 Jesus is led to the wilderness to be tempted.  v. 4 man shall not live by bread alone but by ---every word-- that comes from the mouth of God.  Num. 22:18 Balaam will not speak more or less of every word that God told him to speak. and in Matt. 4:6  The devil mentions God will give angels charge.  There we have angels which also it was the angel of God in charge of protecting Israel Num. 23:8  Now in Matt. 4:8-9 He offers him not only the silver and gold, but all the kingdoms of the world. Num. 22:18. 

     summary:  2 tempts.   2 times every word of God.  2 times God's angel or angels in charge.  2 times the offer of great wealth.   In Matt. 4:11 those angels did come to Jesus just like Satan  says in 4:6. The angels ministered to him.  

     In Matt. 4:23  Jesus ( before the cross) is preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing the sick.  He cannot preach the cross so he must be preaching the gospel of the kingdom. The cross is for Jesus being a substitute for us to forgive our sins.  Remember if they knew before they wouldn't crucify him.  So the gospel of the kingdom must be something else.  The cross is the door into the kingdom.  Rom. 14:17 and John 14:17 are the answer.   John 14:17  the kingdom will be in you.  and Rom. 14:17  The kingdom is righteousness peace and joy by the Holy Spirit.   The baptism of the Holy Spirit puts him within you.

     Lets go to Job ch. 1:6  Satan comes before God.  v.9-12  Satan says to God Job is blessed and protected , but take it away and he will curse you and God allows this.  Don't hurt Job unto death.  Can you agree that Job was blessed like someone was rich like Balaam was offered.  

     In Col. 3:5  sins are listed.  one of them is is covetousness is idolatry.  in 1 Tim. 6:10  the love of money is the root of all evil.

      A testimony here.  My fiance and I were fellow shipping    with a christian sister in our church.  Her mother was a for sure witch---saw some of her craft articles.  The daughter made her mad.  She was safe in the Lord from her mother.  The problem is she was abusing the faith message, and became covetous for things.  You know believing for expensive things like Kenneth Copeland has.  The faith message is for God to supply your needs but not abuse it with covetous lust. 

     Another interesting thing to share, was the lead singer for the group Corn.  a heavy metal rock band. He was scared so much he became a Christian.  He tells of how he was into witchcraft and put a curse on a man.  The man was killed in car crash with details he asked the devil for. Adults only here.  That is what happened to the sister. Her mother cursed her and she was killed in a car crash. Corn testimony on you tube. Her crash was in a place called dead men's curve.    She bought a used  Lincoln mark something and was saying God blessed her with it.   We do not need to help God he is faithful.  He also says  delight thyself in  the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart----clean heart that is.  Psalms 37:4   and in 84:11  God gives grace and glory, no good thing will he uphold from them that walk uprightly.  

     please share this message for God, not just me.  America and the world are in big trouble maybe we can save a few.  if you want to dream big, dream of heaven and set your affections on things above not on the earth.  Col. 3:2   I tremble at Gal 5:24  read this verse it appears to be saying if you are Christ's you have given up affections and lusts.   The above verses are the fruit of the holy Spirit---if he lives within---the Spirit of Christ.  Another verse says trees without fruit are cast into the fire.  Matt. 7:17-19. What comes out of my mouth benefits me to.  Oh God keep me by your grace for your glory.  

     1Pet.1:7 the trying of your faith more precious than gold.  It will bring forth your answer. your faith and trust will grow. Heb. 10:23 hold fast God is faithful.       

Thursday, April 7, 2022

In God's covenant I delight. Zech. ch.9. covid 19.

      Back in the days when we were experiencing quarantine from covid 19, while reading Zech. 9: some great things stood out to me.   It started with verse 12.  

     1.  v.12  prisoners of hope.  Heb.11:1  faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  The quarantine was a prison but it created a prison of hope.  That is because it was a trial of faith to believe God for protection.  It created joy as we watch God's great mercies daily to help us.

     2. In 9:9  we see Jesus the king who brings great salvation.  He rules over every situation of our lives and protects us from the fiery darts of the enemy.

     3. In 9:11  always dial 911 for help, in this case confess the blood of the covenant. We are saved from the pit.  

    4.  In 9:14  God's arrows are quick like lightning to punish those who create weapons against God's flock and he shall defend them.

     5.  When I added all of this info. up--- I said--in God's  ( cov )  covenant) ( I)---(d)   delight .(  covid)    To be clear, the chapter has nothing to do with covid.  It was impressions that came that created a sense of  encouragement.    The word of God is the strength we need.  The Holy Spirit  speaks through the word marvelously.   To be clear covid makes a great acrostic.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

explaining the kundalini in the church #1

a new look at prayer #3 act like it is.

      There are so many examples to fit here.   Lets show one.  A lady says to a man, if you will come and fix the door on my house I will pay you.  Well the man goes the next day. She says how will fix the door without tools.  You see, the woman made a promise but the man didn't  make the right action.  When we ask God according to his promises,  he will require a correct action.  It's true you can pay your bills but not unless you have money.  What if you ask the landlord to wait and he says no.  If you borrow it you are handling it yourself.  Until you believe (not test God)  that first time then you will see his great faith manifestation.  The story of the woman who touched Jesus garment was a great example.  Jesus was blessed by her faith. she said I will act and touch his garment.  

     We are surrounded by people all the time.  Few have a faith for the impossible.  Many faith preachers preach faith but as long as the offerings come in they don't need to use faith.  More and more you find they also teach false doctrine with good doctrines included.  They teach faith and then go home and cheat on their wives.   In 1991 December Benny Hinn preached  Jesus died on the cross as a  sinner.  He later apologized.   I noticed that he also preached for people to fall under the power and they did.  How can you preach heresy and then manifest God's power .  At that time he was also threatening people that if they speak against him God would destroy their families. 

     Abraham offered Isaac by faith and God was pleased. James 2:--on.  Noah built the ark by his faith, he never had seen rain before.  In Heb. 11:6  without faith it is impossible to please God.  All  forms of salvation are based on faith.  You can find the word salvation in the old Testament.  It is nothing to do with born again there.

     I was at work one day and was cut in half by a accident. It was a fork lift accident. All that  held me together was bones and some flesh.  By law they took me to hospital. I had passed out to.  After the hospital room actions I was asked if I wanted a needle for pain.  I refused it and they said okay. I told nurse I was trusting God.  I went home that night and was on the road to recover by grace of a wonderful God---Jesus.    I was just finishing this  message and my wife drove up and said here is a cup of ice cream.  You see, after trusting God for awhile he will send blessings you didn't even ask for. yes though I trust for my daily bread. ice cream is a luxury. God bless, he is faithful.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

A new look at prayer #2 ask with a fixed faith.

      Ask God is a way of using your faith.  The Hebrews who left Egypt, didn't ask as much as complained and murmured.  In 1 Cor. 10:4  The spiritual rock that followed them was Christ.  We are to learn from them.  In this case, asking and not complaining were the desires of God.  This applies today--because of Christ our rock.  We worship him in Spirit and in truth.

     What fixed faith is , how to ask and wait for receiving answers.  Let's take a look at Ex. 15:22

     The crossing of the red sea was a type of our salvation to God and Jesus.  It is amazing, they walked where there was no water.  It was on either side of them.  Now in v.22-23  first there is no water.  Then when find some water it is bitter and no good.   From v.23-26  though they murmured  Moses receives instructions to throw  a tree in the water. the waters are made sweet.  What grace God gives even in our testing and training time.  They didn't turn to other gods here.  Notice Moses did the asking. Then he got answers.  

     A.   Moses is a real example to them.  He listens to the voice of God and throws tree in.  v.26  and then God shows that they would be sick if had drank that water. ( The waters were healed. ) It is like a math problem.  1. obey God's voice and commandments.  2.  You will be kept from sickness.  or ask for healing and receive it.  Not receive Egypt's diseases.   

     B.   In v.27  God is always ahead of us.  He knows and plans the outcome.  We will always be learning but not fail.  Jesus prays for us that our faith fail not.  He is the author and finisher of our faith.  This is hard to chew , but  our faith will always be growing and we will never be going to stop and say let me off.  The lessons will be learned the hard way, and we will just have to go without water.  preaching was not meant to inspire only but to create in us the new life of Christ.  I am just as responsible as you are.  We all must live the life of faith unto fullness of Christ.

     So be encouraged all your proving s by God are mixed with grace.   v. 27  Elim is waiting out there for you.   Heaven to.  Rev. 22:1-2.   In 1Peter 2:24  He is quoting Isa. 53  Healing is for now as well as in heaven.  

     They rushed me to the hospital,that is the law at the workplace.  I was cut in half. only my bones were intact.  The  nurse offered me a needle shot. I declined she said okay.  My son brought me home that night. Pain at times but long story short after a few days , while even going back to working. You didn't want to see my body, God healed me.  No medicines were taken.  I am thankful for Dr. Hobart E. Freeman messages.  He taught a great message of faith.   check out you tube.  To God be all the glory.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

2 Samuel 23:6 Paul's thorn.

      Because the bible has so much to reveal what Paul's thorn is, we will work together.  What we will do is give key words to help you look up the scriptures given to you. This is what real bible study is about.

      1.  notice in 2 Sam. 23:6  both words are used.  thorn and Belial.   Now read 2 N.T. passages.  Paul still speaks like a Jew.  A.  2 Cor. 6:15  Belial is a infidel.   B.  2 Cor. 12:7  the messenger of Satan is a thorn in his flesh.  Remember he is preaching the word and pleasing God.  This would be enough but there is more.

       2.   3 passages--- Num. 33:55  Joshua 23:13  Judges 2:3   in these 3  the thorns is always relating to being people.

       3.   Ps. 118:10-12   the nations are a bunch of thorns , In David's time they were against Israel. They also are like bees.  ( fig. of speech).

       Prov. 22:5  thorns here relate to snares. 

       4.  Isa. 10:17-18  God who is light, shall now be a fire.  and shall burn his thorns and briers. v.18.  you can see soul and body are his forest not a literal forest.  185,000 died in one day.

       5.  Ezekiel 2:6  reveals a lot.  Their words are the thorns.  They are a rebellious house.  each person was spiritually called a house.  Jesus called himself a temple he would restore in 3 days. Jn.2.

       6.  Nahum 1:10  first they are drunkards then they are thorns.   see Num. 33:55  pricks in eyes and thorns in sides.  who are they?  the people of the land they are to drive out.

      You will always see the Hebrews using pictures in their speech.  Ancient Hebrew was always written in pictures.  parables are pictures.    food for thought.  It appears that  the  thorn idea comes from the curse in the garden.  In my words bad people are like a curse of thorns from their mouth.  Their words are like piercing. Even as sharp as swords.  death and life are in the power of the tongue.  Prov. 18:21  Chap. 18 is full of wisdom.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

A new look at prayer. # 1

      Wait a minute  In Luke chap. 11:1  The disciples of Jesus are standing right there with him.  They are seeing that they must pray to the  Father. verse 2  he shows a little about prayer.  It is  a tremendous great prayer.  Years ago when I saw this the question arose, doesn't seem like you have to learn to pray, just talk to God.  Many Christians pray without answers and they get discouraged.  They have this idea that God will hear and do whatever.  What is the key to unlock this mystery?   We must believe.  Look at Rom. 14:23.  This is a powerful example.  If they eat but with doubt they are sinning.  God hears not sinners. John 9:31 if you worship God and do his will, then he hears.

     Therefore they who pray and don't know how, plus they doubt will not be heard.  So if they worship in Spirit and in truth and do his will, he hears them. 

     Lk. 5:20  Is faith needed yes to this man his sins ere forgiven--by his faith.  That will be where you can start-- believe your sins are forgiven.  

     My desire in this series is to help you, not condemn you.  all we are is disciples.  Climb on board-- God has answered so many prayers for me I cannot count them all.  One example--I have had people I don't even know, and not at a church, hand me money.  Only thing I did was worship and serve God, only using faith and ( no other modern day gimmicks)  just pray and believe.     God bless.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

One word in Greek can save a church.

      In times like these, perilous, every word in the bible is important.  There is a great falling away from The faith, as well as many new born sheep who are taught very little.  Have you you heard things like doctrine is not important,or just love people no matter who they are.  Preachers who can cheat on their wives still hold high positions, like TV.   People like John Ha gee  who cheated on his wife and then sells a book teaching Jesus is not the Messiah.  They still follow.  Notice he speaks as though he is Billy Graham, trying to sound like a great man of God.  my concern is the rejecting of the Holy Spirit and also teaching give to get covetousness.  

     The Greek word that many need to know is krino. G2919  1Cor.62,4,5,  the word judge is used.  In 1Cor. 14:29 diakrino is used G1252 that is discerning--contending.    Now look at Jude 1:9.  G1252  contending is used again.  Now the dia separated from the krino is G1223  dia means, judge, separate withdraw,  discriminate, separate with a hostile spirit.     G2919  krino means, distinguish, decide, damn, judge, call into question.   

     In John 3:18  we have G2919  krino condemned.  The same word in H4941  Mishpat  much on judging variables.  then   see H8199  shaphat  judge,  pronounce a sentence against.  

      Here is the key:  John 7:24  judge righteous judgement.   

     In Proverbs 28:4-5  They that forsake the law, praise the wicked, but such as keep the law (contend) with them.  law is the word of God today.  v.5  evil men don't understand judgement, but they that seek the Lord understand all things.    I will let you do your own homework. search and you will find what is creeping into the church  of today.  

     1Cor. 10:19-22  If you worship idols and partake of the bread and cup, you sacrifice to devils.  That is a example of judging.  millions follow that religion.  Only the Pope partakes and calls it the literal body and blood are being swallowed.  Jesus called it a symbol token, to remember him, not Mary.  

My true desires is to protect the sheep of the flock.  The teacher here is deep, take your time and be a Berean at heart.  Pray first then study.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

my lift Jesus higher youtube song and persecution exp.

      I am not angry at anyone, just wanted to show a lot of unseen things are happening to us Christians.

     a long time ago, posted a song which is in the above title.  After 2-3 days received a copy write notice which could result in losing my spot on the tube. At that time the song could be deleted.  Well I did some homework and found out the person was not a Christian, but a heavy metal musician and was into witch craft.  No hate from me , God bless them.  As a result I remixed the music with same lyrics.  Haven't released it yet.  The song praise God is much better now.

     While here would like to say, watching the House of Abraham  which is rising in Jerusalem, is a good follow.  three buildings in one spot.  1. Jewish  2  Islam  3  Catholic.   So far seeing this have one insight.

1.  The Jews put Jesus on the cross.  I love Jews and I know the true covenant of Abraham reveals their salvation during the tribulation period. Along with some Jews saved even now.  They said he blasphemes and says he is God's son.   That's why he went to the cross as sinning against Moses law.

2.   Islam,  denies God (Allah had no son)    1Jn. 2:18  the last times (days)  had already started then, as John reveals.  He says there are many antichrists. (    a spirit.)    v.22  after v.18  shows they deny the Christ and they deny the Father and the son.  

3.   Catholics exalt Mary above Jesus.  the Latin three tier crown has a Gematria of 666.  also above the gate is 666.   In 1 Peter 4:3  one thing Peter Jesus Apostle, in time past we walked in abominable idolatresses.    You will find idols all over the place.  Peter preached follow me.  Paul same , as I follow Christ.        The Pope claims to be in the place of God's son.  His cup of wine is supposed to be literally Christ's blood.  a cup of abomination.

     Why the stink?  because Jerusalem belongs to Jesus and the believers in Christ.  I see a prophetical picture.  Someone will come to steal Jesus election to the throne.  It is temporary Jesus will return and take his place.

Monday, February 28, 2022

#5 manchild healing versus false pics.

      God is getting ready to bring a period of revival before he raptures the over comers.  Satan is manifesting false healing, while much criticism is arising from false ministry and prophets (so called).  Also for me to say that will even be down trodden.  In 2 Cor. 11:14  we see Satan is transformed into a angel of light. 

Matt. 24:24  we have more false ministry who do signs and wonders so big that (if it were possible deceive the elect.  Elect won't be deceived for the Holy Spirit is in them showing what is of God or not.  We must be encouraged that God has opened our eyes.  We wouldn't be wearing armor of light if we weren't in a battle, we fight the good fight of faith.  Our job is to pull people out of the fire, not retreat.  Jude 1:23  

As we hear God's voice he will reveal his wisdom,  it will come and show what to do for each situation. The world cannot stop God from doing his sovereign will. The false is designed to discourage us, God has greater plans.  His Gideon army is drinking the water of his word wisely.  

John 14:12  Jesus tells us here that we will do his works and even greater ones. Because he has gone back to the father and sent the Holy Spirit.  When Elijah left Elisha, we see Elisha did twice as many works as Elijah.  Seek the baptism of Jesus in Acts 2 with tongues and you will have God show you a clear path leading to eternal life.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Gog and Magog pictured in Ukraine , God will protect Israel.

      I am sorry but cannot put video here till I learn how. I used to be able to.  Will share with you what I thought about,when the news of Ukraine and Russia came out.  Ezekiel 38 and 39 talk about the Gog and Magog attack prepared for Israel.  If it weren't for God and his son Jesus, we see what would happen like it has to Ukraine.  That is really deep thoughts there.  Also how easy to see just what Russia can do so quickly.  For us who know what time it is, this should quicken our faith.  God will do what he says he will do.  all mankind is not safe from communist countries but his people are under great divine protection.  His covenant of protection is awesome.  God is faithful and the greatest king ever.   Must say there are plenty of videos on my you tube channel.  David T. Coleman channel. try searching first for song (the table is ready) God bless.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

#4 Holy Spirit and kundalini experience analised

     Not many people have the wonderful experience of the Holy Spirit.  The initial evidence of the baptism is speaking in tongues.  The churches of most years after the churches of Asia, 7 of them do not believe the baptism with tongues is for today.  What is quite amazing is now many will receive without question , that which is called the Holy Spirit.  It is really a Hindu kundalini spirit.  tongues is really a lot easier than shaking crazy or falling down under a power.  That is because  tongues is something that can be made up.  Those who truly receive the baptism are the ones who do have a feeling if they use genuine faith.  

     I have received the real thing and God is so very gentle.  Here is the great thing that yoga tries to duplicate.  In John chapter 4  Jesus says to the woman at the well,  out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.  John chapter 7 shows that water of the word is the Holy Spirit.  

     How it works.  tongues is the primer which operates from the mouth.  not like yoga which starts at the buttocks.  Then the mind fills with the word of God , mostly revelation and God's wisdom.  That wisdom  is a growth for those who are new or babes in Christ.  As you mature in a life of faith and righteousness, the kingdom of God grows  in you,  The highest attainment will be a flowing from within of wisdom and deeper understanding of the word of God.  I humbly witness  to that because I have written down what you could call it a encyclopedia of things that are secret to even the church today.  As a matter of fact I don't think  many with the baptism know what  I am talking about, because they have no teaching about it.  They can read this paragraph again and learn  how wonderful Jesus is by seeking to go beyond the doorstep and looking in and climbing the ladder.  (not the spine) (my pun).

Get free from hindering spirits and walk according God's word daily crucify self and life passions and seek the things which are above and not the earth.  Whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of Jesus.  Remember lay not hands on suddenly especially where the third eye is.  We as God's  sons are the apple of God's eye. tempt is the lust of the flesh and eyes and the pride of life.  to be spiritually minded is life and peace.  carnal physical experience is flesh. and death  slaying.

Monday, January 31, 2022

#3 Numbers 21 and John 3:16 last days corrupt pole.

      The two messages before this one,  Kundelini  and it was the first.  Then we have falling for the gold #2.  This time I will reveal how there is a rebellion against the John 3:16 passage.  It is where the great message  of salvation has made  the devil mad and he always battles against God and his best.  Before I start , let it be known, my purpose is to help Christians , To either protect from a yoke of bondage-- or chains.  Wicked men play into the hands of the deceiver when they lust for money.  Matt. 4:  even Jesus was tempted, he  wouldn't  take the offer to take the world the devil offered him.  Now lust is trying to offer that world through what is called the dream.   It is a covetous lust (idolatry) for lots of money.  Notice gospel music is not permitted very much in  competitions.  That is okay competition is pride anyway.

In Num. 21  and Jn.3:14  we focus in on the brass pole with a brass serpent.  First notice that when Moses threw down his rod before Pharaoh, his serpent defeated their serpents. Well the Hebrews were bitten by serpents and the pole serpent as a sign defeated their bites and the people healed.  That was called a sign by God when he was at the burning bush.  Jesus is a sign on the cross to destroy the serpent (Satan) and sin.  In Gen. 3:15  seed of a woman not a serpent( would bruise( his) heal.  to crush the poison of the serpents head. Jesus the seed-- a man with a heel.  Jn. 3:14-16  would heal from sin and the curse of mankind by faith in his atoning work.

      There is more.  In the Hebrew language look at some words.  1.  H5178  nechosheth  is brass,  it also means fetter, chains, lust harlotry of other gods.  

That is the brass only.  H5251 nes  the pole being lift up just means a sign, flag ensign etc.   the lifting up of it only,, the pole is H4133  motah  pole  and oppression, yoke heavy burden.    I am hopeful you are staying with me because  next comes the shocker.    

H4132  pole  mot --  shaking , wavering, bar of yoke.         H4131mot again,  to waver, shake, fall, be out of course,  fallen, fall down, slip, shake.    the pole of the spine and serpent climbing up,  cause to have severe shaking and fall under a power.  You can see videos of youth concerts as well as hindu peoples shaking out of control.   Gal. 5:1 be not entangled in a yoke of bondage.  What does Benny Hindu  .  I believe he made the statement in Dec. 1991 Jesus was a sinner on the cross-- he apologized. After he had preached it for awhile. said it was wrong.  Okay so such blaspheme of Jesus why was he able to cause people to fall under the power?  He knew people were upset that is why.  He renounced the prosperity message and said it was not of God.  He would spend 2,000.00  in one night buying many dinners.  He made threats against families that opposed him.  I will stop there . Where is that power coming from-- I know. a false anointing.   the Holy Spirit is a gift and a responsibility.  Joel chapter 2:  says  In the last days God will pour out the Holy Spirit.  Satan hates it and is offering a yoke  and chain of bondage, to stop this last chance revival before Jesus returns   God bless till next blog and don' t be a fallen tree Rom.11:

Thursday, January 27, 2022

revival Jan. 27 2022 falling before the gold, #2

     In the modern day meetings ,  there was mentioned that gold dust was falling from the ceiling when the  people were   out of control in shaking.  In Isaiah 46:6  They lavish gold out of the bag,  and weigh silver in the balance, and hire a goldsmith, HE MAKES IT INTO A gOD , they FALL DOWN and they worship it.  Shaking and fall under the power both occur.  It is that the idea of a modern witchcraft practice is corrupting scripture here.  

In Dan. 3:5  I would rather describe the passages.  The king made a{ golden) image, and all kinds of drums, electric guitars,  keyboards etc.  see my point?  and they all fall down  Also see in verse 6.

     In Daniel 4:9 -15  My comments-- Belteshazzar   who was Daniel,  is  cursed with such a name , and called a magician , which is a kindred word to witchcraft.  But look at this , he applies this to the Holy Spirit in Daniel.  Remember this is a Babylonian king who God is using for his glory.  My point is that falling and shaking are witchcraft against the churches. They say their witchcraft is the Holy Spirit.  One more point is Nebu. had a dream, and it ended as him being( a fallen tree  ).  Also a beast-- mark of the beast.  In Isaiah 61:3  see this--that they may be called trees of righteousness.  also in Romans 11:16-22  we see here after reading it all, that we are to be branches  graft into the olive  tree of Jesus Christ-- not to fall away but to stand in righteousness.  The devil hides behind difficult spiritual knowledge thinking no one will search the scriptures by the help of the Holy Spirit.  

In Rev.  

One of many experiences while visiting a church long ago.  A lady came out with the happy dancing  during a meeting. she fell out under the power and  banged her head on a pew. she was out all right. They called the ambulance  and they came in and carried her off to the hospital.  One more please ? several of my my brethren fell under the power and the next day or soon thereafter, they husbands and wives were having fights .How could this be? men and women fall under power and yet live worse than before as though this sign had no effect on them  Even one had a false vision.  I say look what entered them.    Please be sure to read the kundalini  blog first.  in the next we will reveal about the pole.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

revival 2022 exposing the kundalini spirit. #1

      The falling under the power in the churches as well as the shaking of the bodies of the people, are said to be a move of the Holy Spirit.  Many have said they don't believe in the Baptism with speaking in tongues but they easily accept this because they see something.  If a person may not have heard  that this same exact activity occurs in Hinduism and that it is not Christian activity, but rather another spirit. I don't  have a picture for you here but will describe it to you.   imagine a person sitting with their back towards you.  You see inside them and a serpent is climbing through different stages up their spine. at each stage they receive different knowledge growth.      Now here is a couple of things to understand.          1.    Satan always gives power through the corruption of the word of God.                                                2.    In the garden of Eden  a serpent climbed a tree and it was the one for the knowledge of good and evil.                                                                                                                                                              3.   In John 3:14 referring to Num. 21:7-9  a serpent is on a pole                                                                    Extra---  Santa comes down from the North pole.  He is a lie though they call it a white lie. notice he looks to see if you have been bad or good. Sounds like the tree of good and evil--with the serpent coming down the tree--pole.                                                                                                                                       Have you heard of the saying,  hidden in plain sight?   A preacher by the name of Hinn  causes people to fall under power.  I say it this way,  what does Hinn do  see my point?  The same (Hindu) Spirit.    I have much more will continue later.  I will include experiences that I have seen.  You will see that this is not good.