Gen. 6:3 we see that God's Spirit will not always strive with man. v.6 we see here that man grieved him.
v.8 Noah found grace.
As we view scriptures in other places we can see a tremendous thing for us.
Eph. 4:30 we are told not to grieve the Holy Spirit. Rom. 8:9 you will have to have the Spirit.
Jn. 14:26 w/ 16:7 the father sent the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.
Heb. 10:29 *********he is called the Spirit of grace****
Noah found that grace through faith and righteousness.
2Cor. 9:8 God can make all grace abound towards you.
Lk. 17:26----37 in v.26 we have as in the days of Noe, in the rest the context is from the cross to Jesus return. This grace continues.
Now in Rev. 22:17---21 the bride (saints) and the Spirit--say come ---meaning now both are striving with man.
Rev. 22:21 it ends with grace to you.----After Noah came and did God's will , it was then that the Spirit began to strive with man again. Before that it is said God will not always strive with man.
it is truly the Spirit of grace saying come through the bride and God's Spirit.
It took the Spirit to even put all this hidden idea together which is written in this post.
grace be with you.
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