Here Noah offers a sweet savor smell to God. This sacrifice is a shadow of the offering up of Jesus as a sweet savor. A very interesting idea came as thinking about the info. obtained about the finding of this blood.
Before doing that, we remember Cain and Abel. It is said that when Abel was slain by his brother, his blood cried to God from the ground. That is when Cain was sent away with a mark on his head to protect him.
There are some things we hear about, which are very convincing, that seem true but we cannot prove them unless we go see ourselves. If they were true then they may be able to confirm other ideas we have. That is what I would like to share with you. It is possible to hear things without having any opinion but just to know they are very interseting ideas.
In the case where Abel's blood cries from the ground, it is repeated in the book of Hebrews. It seems to have a significant value being it is repeated. that is in 11:4 though he being dead yet it speaketh. we don't want to forget that it says of him he was righteous. Isa. talks of a righteous servant justifying many. Isa. 53:11. The interesting idea comes from the archeologist Ron Wyatt. In his youtube videos he tells of the finding of the ark of the covenant. In the video it shows that the blood shed from the cross fell to the ground, but went into the ground. That happened because the earthquake opened up the ground under the cross. He says he found the the blood laying on the mercy seat which was placed by Jeremiah in just the spot God had him set it.
The idea here is that the blood would cry from the ground of a innocent man killed by his brothers. Joseph pictures this but instead of him dying, fake blood was put on his coat of many colors.
Out of the many notes that I have written, It may be in the notes about Josiah. Will try to find it. There I have written about how the priests were sent to get the ark and bring it --from it's place-- to set it in a permanent place in the temple so it could be there in it's proper place. It tells how they carried it in from somewhere. Could that somewhere be in the same place where it was returned later?
The idea points to the blood of righteous man crying from the ground. That would be cries mercy. Even that the blood ever liveth. Well though it is all a idea, Our sweet offering of Jesus is a absolute fact. Our big proof is how he lives in us. We can only show that through him living in us for others to see. Thank you to all who make comments about the posts here.
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