There is a lot being said in this verse. It starts out sweet and ends sweet.
basically the verse in the Hebrew would be read backwards. In my interpreting it that way it would start with man and his evil imaginations from his youth. Then the climax would begin. God would no more curse the ground because of man. we have a picture here, but in Gal. 3:10-11 grace always removes a curse. by faith we are made righteous apart from the deeds of the law.
In Zech. 14:11 we have another word here used other than curse. it is utter destruction. Certainly that is a curse. How can that be since there is no more curse?? In Gen. 8:22 we have a hint. while the earth remains. God is going to make adjustments from time to time. He isn't going to flood the earth but actually repair it in the time of the millenium. a earthquake is a kind of curse. a tornado, a famine. But not a destruction of it all.
You see if God doesn't send a flood to wipe it all out because man is continually evil, that is mercy. He still has to deal it a less striking blow. Any strong blow to mankind is still to lead them to him.
You know man causes his own trouble sometimes. He creates nuclear plants without preparing for the cost of natural catastrophes. we can tell the curse is removed we are still here.
While the earth remains--- there is the 7 year tribulation period and 1,000 years of peace on earth. plus the time of which Jesus spoke in Matt. 24, that is the time leading up to the trib.
But now for the climax---the sweet smelling savor. the offering of a lamb. This turned away God's wrath and removes the curse from mankind. Jesus is the Lamb of lambs. To offer him up as a reason for the removal of sin is tremendous. Did you know God is sending flood still??
Isa. 44:3-6 notice 2 things--1. this is a spiritual thing. it refers to Jn.4and 7 the water of life. you can see here the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. v.6 definately a prophetical statement of a redeemer coming and he is the first and the last mentioned in Rev. 22: first look at v. 3 there will be no more curse. then v. 13 I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
it appears that Isa. is talking about the giving of the Holy Spirit and it goes all the way to the very end where Jesus is described as the first and the last. both within the ch. 44:.
All the post points to the fact that because of Jesus the Lamb all wrath is removed from a believer in him. He is the sweet smelling savor that brings restoration and peace on earth.
Hmm. A lot to chew on there.