Sunday, June 10, 2012

Davidt Coleman the table is ready

Ex. 16:4 daily bread

in Matt. 6:11  we should pray to the father to give us our daily bread.  We see that Israel received their daily bread from heaven daily.  a double portion on the week end.  In Matt. 4:  Jesus tells the devil that man also must live by the word of God also.  Jn. 1: we see Jesus is called the word. In Jn. 6:32-35  we see Jesus is called the bread from heaven,  we are eating bread of heaven spiritually if we are consuming his word.

Jn. 21:12  Jesus says come and dine, he gives them fish and bread.  shortly after he says to Peter feed my sheep. This would be spiritually.

God fed 3and 1/2 million people in the wilderness.  with bread from heaven.  Surely he has plenty of spiritual bread to feed his sheep.

a song I wrote titled--the table is ready.  it was based on that call to come and feed on the word of God.  You can see it on you   will try to place it next post.