Sunday, February 12, 2023

Harry Potter and the world view.

 Movies, books games,  and toys.  Loved around the world.  They can't wait to see it.  Meanwhile they are opening doors for occult spirits and even the mark the beast-- Satan .   magic and witchcraft according to God's word is an abomination.   see  Deut. 18:9-13 and  in Deut. 12:31  gods are abomination also include Thor, Hercules, and other super heroes who are gods.  Mythological.  Disney is on the top of the list feeding all with their abominations.       By the way when I wrote above the word satan  My computer went unresponsive  thankful it came back.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Necromancy sign in last days.

      two distinct operations of Necromancy.  1. to bring dead people to life visible. and 2. to tell things about the future.  it is called witchcraft or sorcery.  Whatever religion may see this a okay,  does not matter.  Jesus said false signs and lying wonders would occur in the last days.  Matt. 24:24 false signs.

     Did Mary die?  She was a great ordinary woman.  She finished her coarse and then went to her grave. her son was a prophet and he told future events as in Matt. 24: for example. He was God in the flesh but had to put on flesh to die to pay the price for our sins.  He died but was raised from the dead. Not so with Mary.       So we may see that necromancy is to play here.  Mary is not visiting us and  not telling us things of the future.  The Holy Spirit reveals things to Holy Spirit filled believers.   God is more interested in what his saints are doing and becoming than false prophets who predict this and that about politics.