Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ex.40:33 the grand finish.

Ex. 40:33  to rear up is to raise.  Moses finished the work.---sound familiar?  it is finished.

This may be hard to understand for some, I will tell it.  the day Jesus was on the cross it got real dark, real dark.  There were thunders, lightning, earthquake to.

we see the temple is raised up.  Jn.2:21   temple of his body.
40:15 mentions a everlasting priesthood.

v.3  the vail, of his flesh.   
Heb. 10:20  the veil of his flesh.

2Cor. 2:15  Because of Jesus we are a sweet smell.  40:27.

We want to be clear,  the shadows and types were appointed by God to show the way to Jesus.  A Jew who comes to Jesus will understand these things better than us gentiles.

Ex.39: spiritual garments.

Ex. 39:30   first we have a crown of gold on the priest.
v.41 tells of the garments of service.

Rev. 1:13 Jesus wears a priests special garment down to the feet.

You can't wear sin like a garment, or put it on, it's a act.  To be a sinner you have to commit the act.
Jesus knew no sin.  He wears a priests garment.

Look at this spiritual garment---  Isa. 61:3  we can wear the garment of praise to overcome heaviness and depression.  it is called the oil of joy.

Ex.38: what was beautiful was on the alter.

Ex. 38  is talking about the alter, and the alter was made to be beautiful.  It is where they would offer lambs and other offerings. Moses created the shadow.

Acts 8:32 shows Jesus as the Lamb.  The alter he was hanged on was a curse by the law of Moses.
Jesus was what was beautiful more than any temple could be.  We do notice he says temple of his body.  Jn. 2:21.

Ex.37: the crown of gold.

Ex.37:2,11,12,26   Here we have the ark and all that Moses is instructed to build.  It has a crown of gold on it.

In 1Cor. 10:4  that rock---Christ was right with them on the mercy seat.

Heb.9:1-14  shows that all was a figure of him to come. but look at this amazing passage--

Rev. 14:14  Jesus has on his head a crown of gold.  awesome.  The other was a figure or shadow of that.  wow.

Ex. 36::5-6 leftovers.

Sorry but in Matt. 10:8  Jesus better teaching was freely you have received , freely give.  This belongs in the last post on ch. 35:

ch. 36:5-6   the people brought so many offering blessings that there was leftover and Moses says it is enough.

Matt.  15:37  there was not very much for the multitude but when they collected the left overs it was more than enough to feed 4,000.   God is able to see that we have more than enough.  2Cor,9:8  it
will take faith though.

Ex. 35:5 helping God helps others.

Ex. 35:5-9   is where the people willingly give to support God's work. it is more than money. If people were to give more goods than money it would stop all the leaders who have greed.

Acts 4:33-37  Here the church colected goods  and gave to help.

It is good to keep out a eye so preachers don't get tempted to just ride around on motorcycles spending money while people are hard at work.  Then they preach a sermon on prosperity or giving.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Ex.34:29 The 2 shining faces.

Ex.34:29  Where is Moses?  Coming down from Mt. Sinai.  Also his face is shining with glory.

Lk. 9:29  Where was Jesus?  On the mountain.   the word countenance means face.  it can also include the person from front appearance.  So they were seeing his face shine as well as his raiment.

2Cor. 3:13-16   tells here how the vail over Moses to hide the glow,  was a picture of the vail over peoples hearts and minds to that which would be abolished.
Jesus manifests a greater glory which delivered from the law so people could come under grace.
2Cor. 3:14.

Ex. 33:22 a greater glory.

Ex.33:22  Moses asks to see God's glory.  He gets to see it and it is different than what will happen next.

Jn.20:25-30.   Thomas is truly blessed  to stand and see and touch the glory one.
v.29  to not see the glory and believe that is greater.

Lk. 9:32  the 3 disciples saw his glory.
Here we see that Thomas was seeing his glory but not in the way they did. we note they like Moses saw a special glory.

Jn. 17:24  he speaks to his father that they may behold his glory.

Ex.32:1 Cats away mice play.

Ex.32:1   Moses is away seeking the Lord,  the people fall into idolatry.  They saw he delayed his coming.  He delays his coming they say so they play the evil life.

Lk. 12:45   The Lord seems to have delayed his coming.  If they can teach a much future return of the Lord the people when they get left behind will find out to late and continue to support for awhile their ministries.  To have the mind set that he returns soon the people will seek to be ready for his return.

32:28  3,000 die who were wicked.
Acts 2:41   3,000 souls saved.               the gospel and election proven to be greater here..

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ex. 31:13 God greater than Sabbath..

We see here  that Moses is putting the Sabbath into action.  This is so important that it is a sign to all generations.

God's plan for the Sabbath was so man could rest and not keep pushing forward non stop.  Also it protected from those who would profit by over working them.

The legal leaders were glad to obey the law in punishing the disobedient.  They wouldn't even do that which is good.
Matt. 12:8   Jesus tells them he is Lord of the Sabbath.  Being God is greater than the Sabbath, to do righteousness on a Sabbath day was more important to God.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ex.30:10 picture of the baby.

Ex.30:10 speak of the sacrifice and alter and how it is to be made.

v.1-8  shows this alter, which is just what the cross is if it is a sacrifice for sins.
v.11 shows Moses to do this.
first picture the alter must be covered with a lot of gold
v.23  we have many perfumes and incenses in this chapter.  v.37.  perfume.
so in v.23  we have Myrrh
v.34.   we have frankincense.
v.1-8  much gold.

Matt. 2:11  what do the kings bring baby Jesus?  Myrrh,  frankincense , gold.

Ex. 30  is about the alter (cross)  and atonement.  it is holy.

v.30  anoint with oil,  Christ and Messiah mean anointed.

Jn.2:19-21  Jesus is showing here that the temple of his body will be raised in 3 days.
He is the temple.  that is where the ark was. tabernacle was a portable temple.

If the eyes are unveiled, esp. Jews, they would see this better than we Gentiles do.
this bible secret is aother confirmation that the bible is more than just a man written book.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ex.29:14 the greatest camping trip.

Ex.29:14  shows us that the sin offering will be burned without the camp.  The camp was the place where all the Hebrew people  had there portable city. tents and so forth.

v.32  this is a order by God,  Aaron and sons will eat flesh of Ram  (a matured lamb).
                                                                         eat bread in basket.  *(  by the door--gate)
v.33  also eat things atonement blood shedding was made.   

Heb. 13:11-13   these verses show us that the bread of life was carried outside the camp of  Israel.  He was hung on the cross and buried outside the camp.
He is called Christ our pass over in  1Cor. 5:7.  He is called the Lamb  Rev.5:12.

sacrifices are made to the gods in  Deut. 32:17.  Jesus is the sacrifice  made to one God. Eph. 5:2.
When a person does a pleasing righteous thing through Christ's righteousness it is called,  Phil. 4:8
a sweet smelling sacrifice.  In this case Epaphroditus is (giving) a gift.

If we give gifts based on a Pagan god, it is a sacrifice to them as in Deut. 32:17.

Now we have Jesus without the camp.   Jn.6:51-56  we have Jesus and eating his flesh and drinking his blood.  We do this by partaking the bread and the cup a symbol of the body and the blood.

it is absolutely clear that the  lamb in O.T. and N.T.  are identicle.  But there is one difference

Heb. 4:15  he was tempted but was without sin.  and notice  Heb. 13:11  the beasts were offered
____________for sin_______   not  _____with sin_____.

They were without spot., wrinkle blemish.   Jesus who was prefigured by a shadow and type was
a lamb without sin or spot. 
These little creatures couldn't carry sin, they were only a symbol, just like the bread and cup are a symbol.  Jesus was our substitute.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ex.28:3 special garment.

In Ex.28:3  We see  Aaron and sons receiving special priests garments as instructed Moses.
we see also the spirit and wisdom was needed to make them.

Matt.14:36  all who touched Jesus hem of garment were healed.
Lk.2:10  as a child growing he was filled with spirit and wisdom.

Heb. 4:14  he is the great high priest. who is passed into the heavens.

Rev. 1:13  Here he is in his glory with a garment down to his feet, and he is girt about the paps with a golden girdle.  He is the glorious king, priest and prophet.

all who touch his hem though it is invisible can receive healing.  ---by faith we touch him.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ex. 27:20 a never ending lamp.

Ex.27:20   Moses sets up a lamp which runs by oil.  Moses is a light in the world at his time.  He also is one united with God to give illumination.  He hears from God and that light is passed on.

Ps. 45:7  and Isa. 61:1-3  show oil is used as a symbolism.  priests and kings anointed also.
Christ and Messiah mean anointed.

The parrellel  to the pyramids  is  Jesus is the light of God and Satan the light of darkness.

the church is a light also.  ye are the light of the world.  Rev. 1:20  shows this.  it should be 7 lamp stands, not
candlesticks.  the oil is in the stands there is no candlesticks.

whereas Moses raises up the lamps, Jesus is the light of the world.  Jn. 8:12--he says the light of life. All the rest are symbols.