Friday, April 22, 2022

I just saw a sign #2 What the sign means.

      I believe I have the mind of the Spirit.   Skip the last post and see the sign was a rainbow the day before pass over.  There  the showing of it we have  it meant the same thing, the everlasting covenant. In Ezekiel 37:26 we have the full statement that is not broken up within a scripture verse.  It is really a everlasting covenant of (peace).   That means the (bow and the ) and( pass over )   must include the word peace.  

     In Eph. 2:17  We have a unique change in our thinking. we always hear preach the gospel. Here we have preach peace.  In Acts 2:39 we see what was here in Eph. 2:17.  look for the words afar off.  That would be the including of all gentiles.  If the covenant is everlasting then it never has ceased. 

     The word in Greek is the same word in Hebrew.  Greek 1515 eirene and Hebrew shalom h7965   Only by the Holy Spirit can this peace be applied.  The Holy Spirit in Jesus brought this peace into people. Now people can receive it or impart it to others.  We are not just talking about the peace of quietness only.  The peace (shalom ) means  welfare , health,prosperity, covenant with God, rest, safety, and so much more. 

     In Isaiah 57:19  Notice the Prophet says peace, peace two times.  Also we have again to them afar off Eph. 2:17.  Also remember mention of the word everlasting.  Never ending peace. Showing that peace refers to the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  For all to receive.  

Isaiah is showing the steps to revival.  Isa. 57:14-21  God was angry at the chosen people who were being covetous-lovers of gain and stubborn to answer his calling them to himself. He would make them see his wrath and hide himself from them ( not hear his voice included)  Then they would call on him in repentance , get rid of lukewarmness,  complacency, errors about his word, even rid of heresy.  in v.16 he will not contend forever (judge) but heal and restore them and renew his covenant of Peace. 

     Anyone that resists God's call to holiness, will either be brought back by God's sovereign hand or left to their own stubbornness  and no blessings. Anyone who preaches for gain only,  would be breaking God's law of love thy neighbor as thyself and love God with all your heart.  God's mighty hand to save his people is so they will rapture when he comes as the great Shepherd of the sheep.

     Isa. 26:3  God offers perfect peace to those who have him on their mind continually. No room for dark things in the mind full of light.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

This very interesting video showing resurection. 

     The free download of stelarium is a great tool for locating times according to the stars and planets. It is used by NASA.  The name of video is Jesus astronomical simulation  He is risen , by Jeff K.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

I just saw a sign.

      For a moment there was a problem getting here , but God fixed it for this blog.  Today is April 16,2022.  It is the Jewish calendar date of the start of pass over.  When going in the kitchen thought I would take out the trash.  Didn't know it was raining.  Forgot to add before going to kitchen was watching my you tube video---Holy of Holies.  So while outside , the sun going down in  the horizon, it was sprinkling light rain. There was over my house the most beautiful rainbow. It was perfect and as bright as you could ever see it.  

     The rainbow mentioned in Gen. 9:16 was for a everlasting covenant.  This I just now saw.  But guess what?  tomorrow is pass over and in Hebrews 13:20 , it is speaking there about the everlasting covenant through Christ Jesus blood.  More-- The Jews begin pass over today in the evening until tomorrow in the first half of the day. You can see that on the Hebrew calendar online.

     What has happened here is God is speaking to me that through his everlasting covenant , he has made me washed in his blood and then welcome to come before him to praise worship and give thanks, The invitation is to all who will come.  See my last blog about praise meter.  That was written about 1-2 hours ago. This sign was for you,me, and the whole world actually.  Maybe someone will accept Jesus invitation to be saved.  This blog may help someone find the way to Jesus. God bless in Jesus name.

raising the meter on the praise volume.

      When a Christian who is walking in righteousness, hears this it will amaze them.  Praise and thanks to God in Spirit and truth is becoming more valuable than you think.  It's not that our sacrifices ( a sweet smelling savor of Christ) is any more valuable to God,but that he is getting less and less of it.

     1.  People are forgetting to gives thanks at the dinner table.  The results are terrible.  Less food at the stores.  Prices going up.  Fast food discount stores charging $3.50 for a dozen eggs.  Of course God had nothing to do with it. That's right he allowed it.

     2.  People who use food for religious or pagan practices, or holidays, are contributing to God's displeasure. 

     3.  There is much music with blaspheme and cursing in it.  It is expressing occult practices and Satanic hidden meanings in it. Years ago there was vinyl records when played backwards with evil messages on it.  They even go into rooms and worship Satan with star on the floor and candles they pray Satan will prosper their music before it goes out.

     4.  But now it got worse. hard rock and heavy metal music in the church.  In one church they came out to worship wearing costumes. One fellow came out as a cowboy and in his under wear.  I must add in other churches staying with the truth of God's word are coming out properly dressed.  Tight clothing reveals just as much as if you were wearing nothing.  God made women so that when you are young you will enjoy them in marriage. I am elderly and find the best in my wife is from her inner person. She looks good to me.  In all honesty in my youth, I was a two eyed monster. I know now that I can look but what I think is the important thing.  That applies to everything in life. we see with eyes but think righteously.

     final--- God is watching us and sees with a special interest, if our praise and worship and thanks is genuine.   If it is grace is being poured out like a flood from a happy heavenly father. He is always causing us to find what we need abundantly.  After all what is high prices when God supernaturally is sending enormous amounts of cash your way?          Thank you Jesus on this special pass over weekend. I celebrate death burial and resurrection only.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

American dream what it means to us.

      Let us look at two parallels.  In Numbers ch.22:18  we see that Balaam  has been convinced by God to only speak the words God tells him to speak.  It is so important to him that he will not take a house full of silver and gold.  We don't want to forget that God has blessed Israel and so they will never need to covet anything. God will supply their needs just like he will for the Christian believers who trust by faith for their needs.  

     Now we have a amazing copy.  In Matt.4:1 Jesus is led to the wilderness to be tempted.  v. 4 man shall not live by bread alone but by ---every word-- that comes from the mouth of God.  Num. 22:18 Balaam will not speak more or less of every word that God told him to speak. and in Matt. 4:6  The devil mentions God will give angels charge.  There we have angels which also it was the angel of God in charge of protecting Israel Num. 23:8  Now in Matt. 4:8-9 He offers him not only the silver and gold, but all the kingdoms of the world. Num. 22:18. 

     summary:  2 tempts.   2 times every word of God.  2 times God's angel or angels in charge.  2 times the offer of great wealth.   In Matt. 4:11 those angels did come to Jesus just like Satan  says in 4:6. The angels ministered to him.  

     In Matt. 4:23  Jesus ( before the cross) is preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing the sick.  He cannot preach the cross so he must be preaching the gospel of the kingdom. The cross is for Jesus being a substitute for us to forgive our sins.  Remember if they knew before they wouldn't crucify him.  So the gospel of the kingdom must be something else.  The cross is the door into the kingdom.  Rom. 14:17 and John 14:17 are the answer.   John 14:17  the kingdom will be in you.  and Rom. 14:17  The kingdom is righteousness peace and joy by the Holy Spirit.   The baptism of the Holy Spirit puts him within you.

     Lets go to Job ch. 1:6  Satan comes before God.  v.9-12  Satan says to God Job is blessed and protected , but take it away and he will curse you and God allows this.  Don't hurt Job unto death.  Can you agree that Job was blessed like someone was rich like Balaam was offered.  

     In Col. 3:5  sins are listed.  one of them is is covetousness is idolatry.  in 1 Tim. 6:10  the love of money is the root of all evil.

      A testimony here.  My fiance and I were fellow shipping    with a christian sister in our church.  Her mother was a for sure witch---saw some of her craft articles.  The daughter made her mad.  She was safe in the Lord from her mother.  The problem is she was abusing the faith message, and became covetous for things.  You know believing for expensive things like Kenneth Copeland has.  The faith message is for God to supply your needs but not abuse it with covetous lust. 

     Another interesting thing to share, was the lead singer for the group Corn.  a heavy metal rock band. He was scared so much he became a Christian.  He tells of how he was into witchcraft and put a curse on a man.  The man was killed in car crash with details he asked the devil for. Adults only here.  That is what happened to the sister. Her mother cursed her and she was killed in a car crash. Corn testimony on you tube. Her crash was in a place called dead men's curve.    She bought a used  Lincoln mark something and was saying God blessed her with it.   We do not need to help God he is faithful.  He also says  delight thyself in  the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart----clean heart that is.  Psalms 37:4   and in 84:11  God gives grace and glory, no good thing will he uphold from them that walk uprightly.  

     please share this message for God, not just me.  America and the world are in big trouble maybe we can save a few.  if you want to dream big, dream of heaven and set your affections on things above not on the earth.  Col. 3:2   I tremble at Gal 5:24  read this verse it appears to be saying if you are Christ's you have given up affections and lusts.   The above verses are the fruit of the holy Spirit---if he lives within---the Spirit of Christ.  Another verse says trees without fruit are cast into the fire.  Matt. 7:17-19. What comes out of my mouth benefits me to.  Oh God keep me by your grace for your glory.  

     1Pet.1:7 the trying of your faith more precious than gold.  It will bring forth your answer. your faith and trust will grow. Heb. 10:23 hold fast God is faithful.       

Thursday, April 7, 2022

In God's covenant I delight. Zech. ch.9. covid 19.

      Back in the days when we were experiencing quarantine from covid 19, while reading Zech. 9: some great things stood out to me.   It started with verse 12.  

     1.  v.12  prisoners of hope.  Heb.11:1  faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  The quarantine was a prison but it created a prison of hope.  That is because it was a trial of faith to believe God for protection.  It created joy as we watch God's great mercies daily to help us.

     2. In 9:9  we see Jesus the king who brings great salvation.  He rules over every situation of our lives and protects us from the fiery darts of the enemy.

     3. In 9:11  always dial 911 for help, in this case confess the blood of the covenant. We are saved from the pit.  

    4.  In 9:14  God's arrows are quick like lightning to punish those who create weapons against God's flock and he shall defend them.

     5.  When I added all of this info. up--- I said--in God's  ( cov )  covenant) ( I)---(d)   delight .(  covid)    To be clear, the chapter has nothing to do with covid.  It was impressions that came that created a sense of  encouragement.    The word of God is the strength we need.  The Holy Spirit  speaks through the word marvelously.   To be clear covid makes a great acrostic.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

explaining the kundalini in the church #1

a new look at prayer #3 act like it is.

      There are so many examples to fit here.   Lets show one.  A lady says to a man, if you will come and fix the door on my house I will pay you.  Well the man goes the next day. She says how will fix the door without tools.  You see, the woman made a promise but the man didn't  make the right action.  When we ask God according to his promises,  he will require a correct action.  It's true you can pay your bills but not unless you have money.  What if you ask the landlord to wait and he says no.  If you borrow it you are handling it yourself.  Until you believe (not test God)  that first time then you will see his great faith manifestation.  The story of the woman who touched Jesus garment was a great example.  Jesus was blessed by her faith. she said I will act and touch his garment.  

     We are surrounded by people all the time.  Few have a faith for the impossible.  Many faith preachers preach faith but as long as the offerings come in they don't need to use faith.  More and more you find they also teach false doctrine with good doctrines included.  They teach faith and then go home and cheat on their wives.   In 1991 December Benny Hinn preached  Jesus died on the cross as a  sinner.  He later apologized.   I noticed that he also preached for people to fall under the power and they did.  How can you preach heresy and then manifest God's power .  At that time he was also threatening people that if they speak against him God would destroy their families. 

     Abraham offered Isaac by faith and God was pleased. James 2:--on.  Noah built the ark by his faith, he never had seen rain before.  In Heb. 11:6  without faith it is impossible to please God.  All  forms of salvation are based on faith.  You can find the word salvation in the old Testament.  It is nothing to do with born again there.

     I was at work one day and was cut in half by a accident. It was a fork lift accident. All that  held me together was bones and some flesh.  By law they took me to hospital. I had passed out to.  After the hospital room actions I was asked if I wanted a needle for pain.  I refused it and they said okay. I told nurse I was trusting God.  I went home that night and was on the road to recover by grace of a wonderful God---Jesus.    I was just finishing this  message and my wife drove up and said here is a cup of ice cream.  You see, after trusting God for awhile he will send blessings you didn't even ask for. yes though I trust for my daily bread. ice cream is a luxury. God bless, he is faithful.