Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gen. 15:1 more than a shield of metal.

We have some wonderful things from the Lord.  It is through understanding that we appropriate them.  It is truly a wonderful blessing to be called to preach.  The easy part is the messsage, it's the reaction from people that is the most difficult.  A person who is open minded will try to figure if the message is from God and then be a loving person by not over stepping his discernment by arguing and those things. Not to say that bad error is to be laughed at.  Well for me I'm a peace maker and still would over turn the tables in the temple if it were neccessary.

This shield that God is for Abraham goes a little deeper than would be seen on the surfice.  Let's dig in and feed on that.   The Lord to be a shield is quite different than that metal thing.  God himself will be that shield.  Look at Deut. 33:29  this shield is help to man. He will protect from enemies and that is the way most relate to the shield, a war instrument.  Ps. 5:12 tells us that a shield, which is God is also favor and grace.
2 Sa. 22:36  shows us a shield of salvation--- not using it as a born again experience. Said that because salvation includes a living active God doing great things for us in the now. 
Here is a little side.  When the Greek soldier had a shield, if he lost ir or threw it away it was punishable by death.    In Heb. 10:35  it tells us cast not away your confidence which has great recompence of reward.
confidence goes with faith.  Eph.6 calls it our shield of faith.   So faith is believing God for anything.
God as our shield is all inclusive.  Whatever we need to protect us would be anything---  whatsoever you ask the father in my name he will give it to you--why?-- so the father can be glorified through the son.
What is it you need?  Jesus would say let it be unto you according to your faith.
Today the world doesn't believe in Jesus. It is a certain amount of people who do.  The world always has to develope what they need. 
If you hang around a generous rich man,  you don't need money. If you don't you have to go get it another way.  So if you don't need God you invent every device for survival.  Take healing for example. A pill would take place of a miracle.  The world has to get well that's no option.  There is no use telling them to believe for a miracle.  The point is we were of this world born to take the relief of that pill. It will always be that way until we find a alternative.
God is my shield of health. Proof of this is I haven't had a pill or been to the Dr. 38 years.  Honestly it was one time, I had to go because a accident at work. Had to go but refused the medicine which the nurse said you can refuse it. went home that same night. So I didn't really go I was carried.  Well will tell you a little more-- I was cut in half.  Only one inch of bone held two halves together.  To gross to tell more but in 3 days was full well.   To close this  will say this shield is a shield of faith to believe God for whatever you need for your life that protects and keeps you secure.

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