Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ex.2:10 the water of life.

Moses got his name from his new Egyptian mother.  it meant because he was drawn out of the water.
The easy to miss point was that because he was put on the water it gave him life.  it was really the only way to save his life.  in Num. 20:11  Moses smote the rock and water came out to give drink to the people.
Jn. 4:7 and 7:38   Jesus tells that he has water to drink and you will never thirst again.
Isa. 12:3  you shall drink waters from the wells of salvation. 
Eph. 5:26  washed by the water of the word.  the waters are the word of God.  The Holy Spirit btings these forth in us as he helps us. They are the words of eternal life the disciples said to Jesus . They said where can we go but to you for this.
Rev. 21:6  I will give to them the fountain of the water of life freely.so we have  the water that saves life is the water that saves life that comes out of or from Jesus, to give us life.

Ex. 2:14   they ask Moses who made thee a prince and a judge over us.
Acts 5:31  Jesus is called a prince and a savior.  in Acts 10:32  Jesus is called the judge of the quick and the dead.

Ex. 2:19-23  there is a lot here in this short event.  Moses helps the people to have water.  The father says why is he not invited to eat bread and tarry with them at their house.  then in verse 22  he  names the son Gershom because he is a stranger in a strange land.
In Lk. 24:  We see Jesus after risen from the dead is not revealing himself to these people.  They call him a stranger. He tells them who not understand that Moses told these things but they not listen.  They invite him to eat bread and tarry with them at their house.   read these 2 chaps. slowly it is very powerful.   You may want to write notes for comparrison.

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