Friday, March 16, 2012

Ex. 5:1 a feast worth waiting for.

In Ex. 5:  they go and tell Pharaoh to let them go.  Pharaoh refuses them. They told him they wanted to go to have their feast to the Lord which was a custom.   No feast could match the one God would give them.  They had to wait a little while.  They were going to have the greatest feast of their lives.
In Ex. 12  we see that they had the feast of the Lamb which they call pass over. The same time they eat without leavened bread as commanded. It must be unleavened.  That left the bread pure.  That feast would always be the next day in their future.

In the time of the pass over meal  in the future, the Jews do a special thing.  They think it means something else and are really in for a surprise when they find out what it is.  I will tell it.
For years they have this in their yearly feast up till this day.  They call it a treat.  The young son is to look for a napkin just after the cup #3  that they drink.   This wine is grape wine and is what is symbolized by the cup of communion we take as representing the blood of Jesus for our salvation.

Papa is to hide the neatly wrapped napkin so the son will look for it. In the napkin is the middle piece of .  matza bread  There were 3.  
In John 20:7  we have the telling of how the napkin on his head was separate from the linen he wore.  The word wrapped means it was folded. it lay separately.
In Jn.6:51 we have much said about Jesus being  the bread of life which is also eaten at communion with the #3 cup.  The napkin which holds the dessert treat is folded  with the bread in it. Jesus gave that sign when folding the napkin over his head.

remember all these things were done as instructed by God to Moses.

remember Jesus who represents the unleavened bread--pure-- said to the disciples beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is false doctrine.  leaven is known by most as sin.  Jesus was the unleavened  bread who was not a sinner on the cross.

Jn.6  he was the bread of life from heaven .

read 1cor.5:7-8  He is our pass over and he is the unleavened bread  v.8 says leaven of malice and wickedness. He is the unleavened.

Now look at this.  Rev. 19:9  In heaven the Christian will eat the marriage supper of the ---Lamb.*****
This is because the bride his people have made themselves ready.
That is a feast we have to wait for. But our deliverance from this world like their deliverance from Egypt, will be a feast with the Lamb instead of just eating a Lamb.  We are eating the bread of life now though.

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