Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ex. 13: 666 and it's meaning.

2 things here.  The unleavened bread and  the offering a first fruit to the Lord.  The Pharisees misinterpret this when they put on scriptures on their body. On the forehead and the arm.  They still do it today.  There is another way that it is done.  People who carry a bible and say they are religious but don't live by the bible.

Notice the 2 things----Jesus is the unleavened bread of truth  Matt. 16:6 He calls the Pharisees and Sadducees
leaven bread, false.  Jesus was the pure bread from heaven, Jn.6:
Like Moses the Lord Jesus was searched for to be put to death as a baby.  God slew all the firstborn in Egypt and then Pharaoh let the people go.

The teaching the children were done by these acts and it was never intended they were written down, in that time they were to know them in their heart.  The Penteteuch, was written after Deuteronomy.  They had paper then.  By action of hand and seeing with the eyes they would remember God's victory for them by delivering from Pharaoh and Egypt.

The destruction of  Jews and Christians is a battle by Satan that never ceases.  First the anger of defeat by Moses winning and bring Israel out and then Jesus victory on the cross.

So now you can see why a mark of the beast.  666  put on arm and forehead.  This is so a person who receives the mark will be acting out in a rebellious way that they would rather remember the so called importance of the beast and give him glory for his trying to take the world to himself.  As a allegience to him
and the anti-Christ,  who are trying to say the world is his when Jesus the true Messiah is coming to sit on the throne of David to rule the earth for a 1,000 years.  For the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.  Ex.9:29
and  1Cor. 10:26.

The mark of a Christian is they have the word in their heart.  This was purpose of Ex. 13
look at circumcision--Rom. 2:29  it is the heart and not the flesh.
God looks on the heart.

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