Sunday, October 14, 2012

is this a hid picture? Ex. 17:12

Moses is sitting on a large rock and as he sits there the battle will be won if the man on his right and man on the left hold up his hands.  This is all about details, and how he just holds up hands and enemies conquered.
it is a sure thing that there is a spiritual thing here.  who wins a battle if they hold up hands.  He found once he put his hands down they started losing.

The rock he is sitting on could be the other part of the picture.  In the same chapter, Moses smites the rock which 1Cor. 10:  shows us is a picture of Christ the literal rock that followed them.  So now we have him sitting on a rock with a detailed description of 2 men.  One on his right and one on his left.  We have already got the picture of the smitten rock Christ.  The 2 men appear to be the men hanging on crosses with the rock Jesus hanging in the middle.

Remember these pictures are hid to the Jews. They are for believers who have their spiritual eyes open----unveiled.  Lk. 23:33.

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