Friday, November 25, 2011

Gen. 39:2-3 no gimmicks needed.

No he didn't even do anything to get that many colored coat from his father.  All he had was given him. It was taken away by his brothers.  Are they who say they are ministers and our brothers do they try to trick us out of our money by false so called bible principles.  Joseph served as a slave in Pharoah's house.  He was there out of his being made a slave.  God was with him that is all.  He wasn't able to go to church.  I am just talking ideas here I know there was no church.  God was all he had---no gimmicks.  But don't quit me now---he was righteous.  Matt. 6:33 says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added.  Those in the O.T.  times did offer the blood of sacrifice at the alter. 
Joseph's faith was in God.  The new covenant under Christ  has different ways to act faith.  Note Joseph wasn't under the law of Moses. ---Also he gave nothing as a tithe.  He couldn't do anything but believe God.  ------------For a long time.  Not only that but God would use him to give freely to his family who didn't even like him.  He would just forgive them.
         So how does he prosper without gimmicks?  It was all through his living upright.  He was well trusted by all and that prospered him.  He was ready to help those in prison instead of only thinking of himself.  He learned a lesson that God can prosper and bless even when you lose everything and have to depend on God only. 
        On thanksgiving many are thankful for just the food.  There are so many more wonderful things God is doing for us each day. 
       In a church we belonged to in the past  it was only one dollar a year rent. It was a small church who believed God to supply.  The Pastor never asked for money he left a box in the back which said love offering.  He fed the people the word of God abundantly. He earned what went in the box. 
        God's promises are faithful and true. He promised to supply so we would never have to beg or scheme.  God's people learn and copy their teachers. we need good men who will feed us and not be caught up in activities that everybody likes to keep them in the church.
        As  a analogy if we have a computor  with hijackers and malware and adware and cookies etc. we get rid of it fast as possible.  Some people will stay in a church with heresy, false doctrine, gimmicks etc. they will not go to feeding pastures.  It isn't easy to get rid of viruses but it is to get away from the false teachers.

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