Thursday, February 17, 2022

#4 Holy Spirit and kundalini experience analised

     Not many people have the wonderful experience of the Holy Spirit.  The initial evidence of the baptism is speaking in tongues.  The churches of most years after the churches of Asia, 7 of them do not believe the baptism with tongues is for today.  What is quite amazing is now many will receive without question , that which is called the Holy Spirit.  It is really a Hindu kundalini spirit.  tongues is really a lot easier than shaking crazy or falling down under a power.  That is because  tongues is something that can be made up.  Those who truly receive the baptism are the ones who do have a feeling if they use genuine faith.  

     I have received the real thing and God is so very gentle.  Here is the great thing that yoga tries to duplicate.  In John chapter 4  Jesus says to the woman at the well,  out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.  John chapter 7 shows that water of the word is the Holy Spirit.  

     How it works.  tongues is the primer which operates from the mouth.  not like yoga which starts at the buttocks.  Then the mind fills with the word of God , mostly revelation and God's wisdom.  That wisdom  is a growth for those who are new or babes in Christ.  As you mature in a life of faith and righteousness, the kingdom of God grows  in you,  The highest attainment will be a flowing from within of wisdom and deeper understanding of the word of God.  I humbly witness  to that because I have written down what you could call it a encyclopedia of things that are secret to even the church today.  As a matter of fact I don't think  many with the baptism know what  I am talking about, because they have no teaching about it.  They can read this paragraph again and learn  how wonderful Jesus is by seeking to go beyond the doorstep and looking in and climbing the ladder.  (not the spine) (my pun).

Get free from hindering spirits and walk according God's word daily crucify self and life passions and seek the things which are above and not the earth.  Whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of Jesus.  Remember lay not hands on suddenly especially where the third eye is.  We as God's  sons are the apple of God's eye. tempt is the lust of the flesh and eyes and the pride of life.  to be spiritually minded is life and peace.  carnal physical experience is flesh. and death  slaying.

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