Tuesday, March 8, 2022

One word in Greek can save a church.

      In times like these, perilous, every word in the bible is important.  There is a great falling away from The faith, as well as many new born sheep who are taught very little.  Have you you heard things like doctrine is not important,or just love people no matter who they are.  Preachers who can cheat on their wives still hold high positions, like TV.   People like John Ha gee  who cheated on his wife and then sells a book teaching Jesus is not the Messiah.  They still follow.  Notice he speaks as though he is Billy Graham, trying to sound like a great man of God.  my concern is the rejecting of the Holy Spirit and also teaching give to get covetousness.  

     The Greek word that many need to know is krino. G2919  1Cor.62,4,5,  the word judge is used.  In 1Cor. 14:29 diakrino is used G1252 that is discerning--contending.    Now look at Jude 1:9.  G1252  contending is used again.  Now the dia separated from the krino is G1223  dia means, judge, separate withdraw,  discriminate, separate with a hostile spirit.     G2919  krino means, distinguish, decide, damn, judge, call into question.   

     In John 3:18  we have G2919  krino condemned.  The same word in H4941  Mishpat  much on judging variables.  then   see H8199  shaphat  judge,  pronounce a sentence against.  

      Here is the key:  John 7:24  judge righteous judgement.   

     In Proverbs 28:4-5  They that forsake the law, praise the wicked, but such as keep the law (contend) with them.  law is the word of God today.  v.5  evil men don't understand judgement, but they that seek the Lord understand all things.    I will let you do your own homework. search and you will find what is creeping into the church  of today.  

     1Cor. 10:19-22  If you worship idols and partake of the bread and cup, you sacrifice to devils.  That is a example of judging.  millions follow that religion.  Only the Pope partakes and calls it the literal body and blood are being swallowed.  Jesus called it a symbol token, to remember him, not Mary.  

My true desires is to protect the sheep of the flock.  The teacher here is deep, take your time and be a Berean at heart.  Pray first then study.

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